ATP- Short & Middle Flashcards
Explain what is a energy system?
A metabolic pathway to can resynthesise ATP
Different rates of work means different systems are used to match ATP supply to demand
What is Phosphocreatine (PCr)?
High energy molecule split to resynthesise ATP
pH buffer
Initial glycolysis contributor
Negs. organic Pi accumulation effects Ca release from sarcoplasm
When is lactate produced?
When anaerobic glycolysis plays an increasing role as intensity increases, lactate is produced as a by product
What does ATP drive?
Small reactions
Can’t meet max power with only ATP
Glucose > glycogen
Less ATP than aerobic metabolism but faster
Glycogen > glucose
Substrate > glucose
glucose/glycogen > ATP
Metabolic pathway
Anaerobic glycolysis
Glycogen + 3ADP > 2 lactate + 2H + 3ATP
What is the equation for ATP hydrolysis
ATP > ADP + Pi + H
What is the equation for ATP synthesis (anaerobic pathway)?
ATP + H2O > ADP + Pi + H + ‘free energy’
What is Phosphoenolpyruvate used for?
Pyruvate kinase converts phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to Pyruvate which releases energy from ATP.
It also allows glucose to be converted to glycogen in gluconeogenesis.
How is AMP produced?
Through the myokines reaction which involved no PCr
What is SGLT4?
Transports blood to the muscle
Triggered by insulin
What is the role of PFK?
Rate limiting enzyme for glycolysis
Preserve ATP conc. in muscle
High ATP= PFK requires more fluctose-6-phosphate to reach max capacity
Low ATP= PFK activity is high and low fructose-6-phosphate (glycolysis speeds up from low ATP)
Explain the role of lactate
Prevents too much pyruvate (which permits glycolysis)
Accepts 2H and removes from muscle as lactate acid
Bicarb. accepts free H and if not used immediately can stay in system until needed
What systems are used during different time periods?
2s- ATP for max activity
>2s- PCr and glycogen contribute to ATP utilisation
>20s- PCr doesn’t contribute much
70s- Anaerobic glycolysis main contributor
>70s- aerobic system increasingly becomes main source