Atmospheric Composition Flashcards
What are BVOCs, and what are the main types?
Biogenic Volartile Organic Compounds - emitted into atmosphere by vegetation - mostly trees
- Isoprenes - 5C atoms - ~500 TgC/year
- Monoterpenes - 2Xisoprene (10C atoms) - ~100 TgC/year
Why are BVOCs emitted by vegetation?
Takes a lot of energy to synthesise BVOCs - so why?
- Defense from insect / herbivore attack
- Enhancing resilience to environmental stress
- Inhibiting establishment of competing plants
How are the different BVOCs emitted/stored?
- Monoterpenes - stored in leaf as liquids - when is warm enough (temperature dependent) - they vapourise and are released
- Isoprenes - synthesised in leaves and emitted straight away - more linked to rate of photosynthesis
Explain the proportion of global contributions to BVOCs
- Mainly tropical forests - small amount from temperate and boreal forests
- Small amount from biomass burning and marine ecosystems
- But is very hard to know exactly how much is emitted - so need to base on emission algorithms
- Compounds are being emitted when hottest and sunniest - monoterpenes are more geographically spread
How do BVOCs affect the atmosphere?
- One emitted - react with oxidants in atmosphere - e.g., ozone/OH - and form more complicated oxidised compounds - Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA)
- These oxidised compounds form condensation products - start at nano-scale but can get larger
- These oxidation reactions reduce their volatility - making them more inclined to condense onto particles in the atmosphere
What happens if BVOCs form large and soluble compounds in the atmosphere?
If big enough and soluble enough - these compounds can act as cloud droplets = more droplets = cloud reflects more radiation = higher albedo = cause a net cooling
What happens when BVOCs react with OH radicals?
OH reacts with methane (greenhouse gas) - OH removes methane from atmosphere by oxidising it
- So if BVOCs are released and react with OH - depleting the amount of OH in atmosphere - the atmospheric lifetime of methane (CH4) increases - potentially causing warming
How can BVOCs react with ozone?
BVOCs can directly react with ozone (O3) - reducing its concentration
- BUT - BVOCs are also involved in the formation of O3 in the troposphere - increaseing its concentration
- So net impact of emission is to create more ozone - potentially causing warming
Explain the two competing effects of BVOCs being emitted into the atmosphere
- Cooling - due to more/large particle formation and brighter more reflective clouds
- Warming - due to increase in methane and ozone (greenhouse gases)
What is the impact of global deforestation on short-lived climate factors?
- Positive radiative effect (warming) - due to reduction in aerosol formation = lower reflectivity of clouds
- Negative radiative effect (cooling) due to reduction in GHG - ozone and methane
- But net effect - from short-lived climate factors is a warming effect due to deforestation
How will increases in temperature create a natural aerosol-climate feedback?
- Higher temperature = higher BVOC emissions = brigher clouds = higher albedo = cooling effect (negative aerosol feedback)
- Fires have similar effect - release more of these compounds into atmosphere
What did Paasonen et al., 2013 and Yli-Juuti et al., 2021 find out about temperature and particle number/mass?
Paasonen et al., 2013:
- Used N100 - number of particles with diameter larger than 100nm - using mobility particle size spectometers
- Found strong relationship between temperature and particle number across 11 sites
Yli-Juuti et al., 2021:
- Found strong relationship between temperature and organic aerosol mass in boreal forest
- Showed that they also found brigher clouds in these regions due to increased temperature and therefore more aerosols
How is change in aerosol mass affected by temperature in boreal vs tropical forests?
- Blichner et al., 2024:
- Boreal forest - strong positive relationship between organic aerosol mass per change in temperature
- Amazon rainforest - models were much more varied - far away from understanding the feedback here
How does ozone vary depending on its position in atmosphere?
O + O2 = O3
- Lots of naturally produced O3 in stratosphere
- High energy sunlight needed
- O3 is produced in situ in troposphere from both natural and anthropogenic precursors
- O3 at surface is harmful to human health and vegetation
How is O3 taken up by vegetation?
- O3 is efficiently taken up by plants via their stomata
How does O3 in leaves affect processes within the leaf?
- Exposure to O3 will directly modify (reduce) stomatal conductance
- O3 damage also reduces carbon fixation via photosynthesis
- Can reduce rates of photosynthesis and transpiration
How do changes in CO2 affect ozone in the atmosphere?
- Increasing CO2 levels cause a decrease in stomatal conductance (gs) - to try and preserve relative conc of CO2 inside and outside the leaf
- If this happens - we would expect the dry deposition of O3 to decrease - therefore we would expect to see an increase in O3 conc
- Important in terms of air quality
How can O3 damage plants?
- Ozone can inhibit photosynthesis and reduce stomatal conductance (gs)
- But we don’t know how sensitive vegetation is to O3 damage - so we dont know how much it has affected land carbon sink sequestration
How does ozone affect gs and photosynthesis? (including recent findings)
Lombardozzi et al., 2012
- Showed that high O3 can alter stomatal conductance (gs) independent of photosynthesis rates - i.e. response of photosynthesis and gs to ozone are decoupled
- Suggests we may be over-predicting the O3 damage on gs
- Big changes in transpiration when gs and photosynthesis coupled
- Small changes to transpiration when gs and photosynthesis not coupled
Given a reduction isoprene concentration in the atmosphere, explain some of the potential positive and negative feedbacks caused by ozone at different NOx concentrations
Increase O3 = decrease photosynthesis = decrease isoprenes:
- high NOx = reduction in surface O3 - negative feedback OR low NOx = increase surface O3 - positive feedback
What knock-on impact can ozone damage have on heat fluxes?
- Increase O3 damage = decrease transpiration = reduction in latent heat flux
- So O3 damage will lead to increase in sensible heat flux
- Swicthes proportions of fluxes
- Also- Arnold et al., 2018: decreased transpiration = decrease humidity = decrease cloud cover = increase SW radiation at surface (less reflected by clouds) = increase in surface temp