Atmosphere and weather Flashcards
Factors affecting diurnal energy budget
Insolation, reflected solar radiation, surface absorption, latent transfer, sensible heat transfer and long wave radiation.
Incoming solar radiation (Insolation)
Incoming solar energy that reaches the Earth’s atmosphere and surface.
Surface absorption
Occurs when energy reaches the Earth’s surface, which heats up.
Latent heat transfer
Occurs when water evaporates from a moist land surface or from open water, moving heat from the surface to the atmosphere.
Sensible heat transfer
Moves heat from warmer to colder objects by conduction when they are in direct contact.
Long wave radiation
Radiation emitted from Earth.
Reflected solar radiation (Albedo)
A measure of how much light that hits a surface is reflected without being absorbed.
Excesses and deficits of the latitudinal pattern of radiation
Excess: positive radiation budget in the tropics. Occurs because insolation is so concentrated.
Deficit: negative radiation budget at higher latitudes. Insolation has a larger amount of atmosphere to pass through, there is more chance of reflection back to space, and rays are less concentrated.
Wind belts
Air will move faster closer to the poles, due to the distance between earths axis of rotation and the air. This fast-moving air produces jet streams. Air closer to the equator will move slower. In addition, faster moving air occurs at high pressure zones, due to centrifugal force – because pressure and Coriolis force work together.
Ocean currents
Surface currents caused by prevailing winds. Clockwise rotation in N.Hemisphere, and anticlockwise in S.Hemisphere. Water piles into domes and due to Earth’s rotation, water is piled up on western edge of ocean basins – return flow is a narrow, fast current (gulf stream). Warm currents from equatorial regions raise temps in polar regions. Warm surface causes low pressure, air moves from high to low, so water moves from cold to warm; and winds push warm into warm, exposing cold deep water. Process repeats.
Variations in temperature
Air temperature decreases with altitude, as air is thinner, contains less moisture and is therefore less able to absorb longwave radiation.
Variations in pressure
Air is driven by the pressure gradient – air moves from high to low pressure. Air moves as per the 3-cell model, where high pressure is caused where air sinks to the ground, leaving space for adjacent air at high altitudes to move over and add to the weight of the sinking air mass. Since earth is spinning, winds blow at angles due to the Coriolis force.
Coriolis force
Air masses are deflected due to Earth’s easterly rotation. Air moving from high pressure to low pressure in the N. Hemisphere is deflected to the right, and to the left in the S.Hemisphere acts at right angles to wind direction.
Geostropic balance
Between Coriolis Force and pressure gradient, produces resultant wind – Geostrophic wind. In N. Hemisphere, wind blows anti-clockwise around low pressure and clockwise around high pressure.
Reduces geostrophic force and wind speed, so pressure gradient is no longer balanced by the Coriolis force. Makes air more likely to move to low pressure zones.
Atmospheric moisture processes
Evaporation, condensation, freezing, melting, deposition and sublimation.
Occurs when vapour pressure of a water surface exceeds that in the atmosphere. Sped up by: low initial air humidity, heat and strong wind.
Further cooling below dew point temperature, or when an air mass reaches saturation – turns water vapour into a liquid water. When hygroscopic condensation nuclei are present.
Liquid water changes into a solid once temperature falls below 0°C.
The change of state from solid to liquid above 0°C.
Transition from water vapour to ice, with no intermediate stage. May deposit on surfaces.
Transition from ice to water vapour, with no intermediate stage. Might occur in low humidity.
Causes of precipitation
Convectional, frontal, orographic, radiation cooling, frontal inversion and subsidence inversion.
Land is heated and so air directly above becomes less dense, rises and cools. As air rises further, latent heat is released, powering the ascent. When condensation occurs, clouds form, precip falls.
Warm air meets cold air. Less dense warm air can’t push cool air out of the way, so is forced over the colder air. Warm air rises, cools and condenses, forming a cloud and therefore rain. Centre of low pressure where two air masses intersect.
Pressure force strong enough to force air to move over a barrier. Air rises, it cools and reaches dew point where cloud forms and precipitation falls. Windward side is called the ‘rain slope’, lee slope named ‘rain shadow’ as unsaturated air sinks and warms. Hill fog occurs when the forced ascent produces a thin stratiform cloud. Unstable air (rising temp is warmer than the air rising into) causes continued rising, instead of falling down the lee slope.
Radiation cooling
Cloudless night, so ground loses heat rapidly by returning radiation to space. Little wind present, air remains in contact with valley sides to cool by conduction, sinks to bottom of valley. Bottom of valley has a source of moisture.
Frontal inversion
Colder, denser air mass descends, forming warmer air above. Barrier created where the two meet that prevents warm air parcels from rising through to the warm air.
Subsidence inversion
Air moving upwards experiences adiabatic cooling, due to pressure decrease. This air falls, becomes denser and warms, warm air reaches a cooler layer of unstable air, and a temperature inversion is created.
Types of precipitation
Rain, hail, snow, dew, and fog.
Liquid water droplets heavy enough to fall to the ground. Between 0.5mm and 5mm. Drizzle is rainfall less than 0.5mm. Varies in amount, intensity, duration.
Raindrops carried to freezing level inside a cumulonimbus cloud, and freeze. Hailstones then collide with supercooled water freezing on impact. Rising and falling in the cloud causes repeated melting and freezing until the hailstone is heavy enough to fall.
Snow crystals form when temp is below freezing, and water vapour turns solid. Heaviest snowfall occurs when warm moist air is forced to rise in orthographic or frontal rainfall, as very cold air contains limited moisture.
Deposition of water on a surface that occurs in anticyclonic systems. Rapid radiation cooling causes ground temperature to hit dew point and condensation/direct ground precipitation occur.
Forms as a result of radiation cooling. When sun rises, fog lifts, possibly causing smog to form under an inversion layer (cold air trapped by warm air above it). Fog is common over the sea in autumn and spring.
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse gasses such as water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane allow shortwave radiation to penetrate, but prevent longwave. This traps radiation inside the atmosphere, causing temperature to rise.
Cattle produces 75m tonnes and wetlands 150m tonnes. Methane released as perma-frost melts.
(Increases at 0.5-2% per year).
Destroy ozone, allowing more insolation to enter the atmosphere. (Increases 6% each year).
Nitrous oxides
300x more powerful than CO2, from fertilisers, burning fossil fuels and vegetation. (Increased by 8%).
Carbon dioxide
Increased fossil fuel burning and deforestation – which increases emissions as well as removing trees that reduce emissions. 5 gigatons of fossil fuels were burnt in 1980 – 1 ton burnt = 4 tons CO2 emitted.
Causes of global warming
Fossil fuel burning is directly related to the global temperature increase, deforestation and urbanisation has resulted in more, much darker surfaces, so the ground absorbs more radiation, which is released back to the atmosphere, heating it.
Sea levels, warming oceans, storm activity, agriculture, drought, disease, wildlife, tourism and cost.
Sea levels
200m people could be displaced, 4 million km2 of land threatened by floods, 200m at risk from flood/droughts. Rise by 2100 is expected to be 26-77cm. 570 cities exposed, contamination of drinking water (salt infiltrates groundwater and aquifers), millions of coastline miles under threat.
Warming oceans
50% increase in marine heatwaves this decade. 1°C fluctuation causes plankton and coral to stress and bleach (spit out symbiotic algae and die). First 700m of ocean absorbs most heat.
Storm activity
More frequent and intense hurricanes, tornadoes etc… Floods have causes >500,000 deaths and affected 2.8bn globally, with $8bn in damages in the USA.
USA’s grain belt will decrease, China’s growing season will increase, Northward shift for timber and crop production. 35% drop in African produce if 3°C temperature rise. $10bn in losses in Texas and Oklahoma in a year due to failed crops.
Reduced rainfall in Europe and USA will expose 4bn to water shortage risks.
60 million more people exposed to Malaria, as mosquitos breed faster in the heat.
40% of species will become extinct at +2°C.
Previously undesirable areas may become tourist hotspots, and likewise for desirable places becoming undesirable.
1 tonne CO2 causes £45 of damage. Solving the effects could cost 5-20% of each country’s GDP, whereas action now may only cost 1% of each GDP.