ATM Flashcards
When must you compute your arrival data on the PPC?
Compute arrival data if the environmental conditions at any of the destinations have increased by 5C, 1000 feet PA, or the aircraft weight increases 1000 pounds from takeoff point.
What weight(s) may be used to compute GO/NO-GO TQ OGE?
Use either the Maximum Allowable GWT-DE (OGE) determined for item 11 or the Maximum Allowable GWT for the aircraft configuration, whichever is less.
Where must the hover power check be performed?
Perform hover power check near the takeoff point and in the direction of takeoff.
Which crewmember verifies the hover power check?
The P will monitor the aircraft instruments and verify the power check. He or she will compare the actual hover performance data to that of the PPC and PERF page and will announce the results to the P*.
When must the crew conduct additional hover power checks?
Anytime the load or environmental conditions increase significantly (1,000 pounds gross weight, 5 degrees C, or 1,000 feet pressure altitude).
What ground speed is represented by full-scale deflection of the velocity vector in hover mode and transition mode symbology?
Hover mode: 6 KTGS, Transition mode: 60 KTGS
What power setting (%TQ) is used for a rolling takeoff in a training environment? What power setting is used for a real-world rolling takeoff?
For training, us a simulated power setting of 10% (±3%) below IGE hover power
For a real-world rolling takeoff, use a TQ value 3-5% below actual DE MTA (tested) or 5% below the computed DE MTA per the PPC.
During a rolling takeoff, when may the pilot allow the nose of the aircraft to drop below the fuselage level?
After departing the takeoff surface.
When is the aircraft placed in aerodynamic trim (trim ball centered) during a normal VMC takeoff (10% above hover power available)?
Maintain heading with the pedals until 50 feet AGL or clear of obstacles/barriers, then place the aircraft in trim.
When is the aircraft placed in aerodynamic trim (trim ball centered) during a normal VMC takeoff (10% above hover power available)?
Maintain heading with the pedals until 50 feet AGL or clear of obstacles/barriers, then place the aircraft in trim.
When is the aircraft placed in aerodynamic trim during a VMC limited power takeoff?
As the helicopter reaches ETL, use the pedals to place the aircraft in trim.
During a Level Acceleration Takeoff, at what airspeed does the pilot adjust the aircraft attitude from an accelerative attitude to the pitch required to continue acceleration to desired climb airspeed?
After accelerating through minimum single engine airspeed, adjust the cyclic to continue the acceleration to the desired climb airspeed and maintain the desired ground track.
What page must be displayed on an MPD in each crew station when conducting a slope landing?
When should the crew abort a landing on a slope?
If at any time it becomes apparent that aircraft limits will be exceeded, terminate the maneuver, return the aircraft to a hover, and reposition to a suitable landing area.
What are the two scenarios in which a roll-on landing may be performed?
A roll-on landing may be performed during those approved flight missions where IGE power is not available; for example, high DA or GWT. This may also be performed in an environment where obscurants such as sand, dust, or snow are present.
What MPD page must be displayed in both crew stations prior to performing SCAS Off/BUCS On flight?
In cruise flight, after detecting an engine failure, or after the IP announces “Simulated engine failure, engine number 1,” what are the first flight control inputs made by the pilot?
Adjust the collective and cyclic as necessary to maintain single engine TQ and rotor RPM within limits.
Following a single engine failure (continued flight possible), what airspeed must be maintained until 30 feet above touchdown?
Adjust airspeed to remain within SE airspeed limits, then maintain at or above min VSSE until 30’ above touchdown
What conditions must be met before conducting Slope Operations?
Helicopter cleared, with an A/C FLT page displayed on one multipurpose display in both crew stations, with before-landing checks completed, and the *P properly fitted with a HDU (Parking brake set – standard).
How will the manually-controlled engine be set, relative to the good engine, following a EDECU Lockout?
Place the malfunctioning engine in lockout and set torque 5 percent below the good engine, ±5 percent
When is the fuel consumption check computed?
Compute in-flight fuel consumption check within 15 to 30 minutes of leveling off or entering into the mission profile.
What 4 things are determined when computing a fuel consumption check?
Compute total pounds per hour, Bingo time of day, and burn out time of day.
Evaluate the fuel consumption rate to ensure that the burn rate is normal.
Define SAUNTER airspeed.
Fly at best endurance airspeed (MAX END-R/C).
Per the common standards, what must the crew establish and announce when the aircraft is operated at an OGE hover?
A forced landing or single engine flyaway plan
Regarding engine failures during hovering flight, what optional data may be entered in the remarks section of the PPC?
Record the minimum/maximum airspeed/altitude combinations using the height-velocity single engine failure chart that most closely approximates the ambient conditions and aircraft GWT.
Example: “Avoid 0 to 10 KTAS between 35 and 160 feet.”
How much collective reduction is required when responding to a SE failure at an OGE hover?
Only enough to maintain TQ within SE limitations (actual or simulated).
What are the standards for the following when planning a VFR Flight?
Distance: +/- 1 NM
Mag Heading: +/- 5 Degree
GND speed: +/- 5 Knots
ETE: +/- 3 Minutes
Fuel requirement: +/- 100 lbs
What is the first NOTE associated with Task 1058 Perform Visual Meteorological Approach?
Steep approaches, or approaches that place the aircraft below ETL while OGE can place the aircraft in potential settling-with-power condition. The crew must be familiar with diagnosing and correcting this condition.
What phase of flight (Takeoff, Cruise, Approach) should aircrews ‘mostly’ consider settling-with-power while executing formation flight?
Approach phase. Lead aircraft should maintain a constant approach angle (prefer shallow) to avoid following aircraft having to fly through rotor downwash.
What are the criteria for a landing area reconnaissance prior to conducting a VMC approach to a confined area?
Size of landing area
Suitability of the surface
Barriers to the approach path
Approach direction
Touchdown point possible Takeoff direction
effects of Wind
While conducting a VMC approach to a confined area, the crew elects to do a go-around. When should the go-around be initiated?
A go-around should be initiated before airspeed is reduced below effective translational lift or descending below the barriers.
What is the primary consideration during a terrain flight deceleration at very low altitude (NOE)?
Maintaining clearance of the tail rotor.
What tasks will not be performed when OGE power is not available?
VMC Takeoff (confined area, altitude over airspeed)
VMC Approach (termination to an OGE hover)
Engine Failure (OGE)
Instrument Takeoff (ITO)
Terrain Flight (NOE)
Masking/Unmasking (unmasking at a hover vertically)
What is the definition of Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA)?
Minimum safe altitude (MSA) is defined as the minimum safe height above the surface or obstacles to which the helicopter can descend in a masked condition.
What is the definition of Minimum Maneuver Altitude (MMA)?
Minimum maneuvering altitude (MMA) is defined as the altitude above the mask or barriers at which the helicopter may safely maneuver.
What are the 3 terrain flight techniques and the altitudes associated with each?
Nap-Of-the-Earth (NOE): 0-25 feet AHO
Contour: 25-80 feet AHO
Low Level: 80-200 feet AHO
While conducting NOE terrain flight, how may the crew increase forward visibility and raise the aircraft’s tail to achieve a more level pitch attitude?
By selecting NOE approach mode or manually controlling the stabilator
Is “maintain a constant approach angle” a standard when conducting a terrain flight approach?
No, the P* must maintain a desired approach angle to clear the obstacles.
How is “NOE trim” displayed in the HMD symbology?
The velocity vector will be extended to the 12 o’clock position from the LOS.
How should crewmembers set the radar altimeter altitude warning (low bug) when conducting terrain flight?
To an altitude (AGL) that best supports the tactical situation and mode of flight
What does the abort point represent during a Terrain Flight Takeoff (Airspeed Over Altitude)?
The abort point is the point at which the aircraft must be through ETL and on a flight path to clear the obstacles.
There must be adequate area beyond the abort point to abort the takeoff, decelerate, and terminate safely without impacting the ground, obstacles, or exceeding aircraft limitations.
If the TQ required for OGE hover is 102%, and the DE MTA is 94%, what type of terrain flight takeoff may be performed?
An airspeed over altitude terrain flight takeoff may be performed, given adequate maneuver area.
Given the performance scenario in Question 3, what MPD page should be displayed and monitored by the P during the takeoff? (Alt over asp tx flight given marginal power available)
If available engine power is marginal and the possibility exists of exceeding a limit, the crew should have an A/C ENG page selected and the P should monitor and announce impending performance limiters.
Given the performance scenario in Question 3, how long may the aircraft be operated with 94% DE TQ applied?
The DE MTA, 10-minute limit of 94% equates to 879°C (no wind); therefore, the crew may apply 94% for up to 10 minutes, after which an exceedance will be recorded to the DMS FAULT Page.
Must the low altitude warning (“low bug”) be set on the radar altimeter prior to conducting diving flight?
Yes, to ensure recovery prior to descending below 200 feet AGL
What power setting is maintained during a shallow dive?
Maintain a constant power setting (the power required for straight-and-level flight prior to entry).
When is a fuel consumption check computed?
Within 15-30 minutes after leveling off or entering mission profile.
What 4 things are determined when computing a fuel consumption check?
Burn rate (pounds per hour), BINGO time of day, and burnout time of day, and ensure burn rate matches planned consumption.
Define SAUNTER airspeed.
Fly at best endurance airspeed (MAX END – R/C)
What are the performance steps for “Respond to IIMC?” (AHTA)
• Announce IMC, transition to instrument flight (crew coordination step)
• Attitude: Adjust bank and pitch to level the wings
• Heading: Maintain heading, turn only to avoid known obstacles
• Torque: Apply climb power at or near MTA to establish immediate climb
• Airspeed: Adjust to MAX R/C or as briefed
• *Set transponder to emergency
(IIMC) IAW the ATM task, what is the preferred method used to display the FLT Page?
Pressing Z-axis on the SYM Select Button on the cyclic
(IIMC TASK) When should hold modes be used?
When encountering deteriorating weather
How may the aircraft roll attitude be determined while performing ground taxi with the NVS?
Use the transition (or hover, with horizon line shown) symbology, reference trim ball vs. skid/slip lubber line
Will the aircraft roll attitude be affected if a pedal input is made while the tailwheel is locked?
Yes, the roll attitude is affected by both cyclic and pedal inputs when the tailwheel is locked.
What visual reference does the ATM recommend using when leveling the HDU image during IHADSS video adjustments?
The windshield frame or the instrument display console (top edge of MPD’s).
Must a grayscale optimization (IHADSS video adjustments) be completed prior to performing the NVS Operational Check?
Yes, per ATM Task 1835: Conditions
What mode of symbology should be selected prior to applying TQ during a VMC takeoff using the NVS?
Hover mode symbology
When conducting a VMC approach to the ground, will the P* be able to keep the intended touchdown point in sight throughout the approach?
No, the location and gimbal limits of the FLIR sensor prevent the P* from seeing the actual touchdown point. To avoid overshooting, establish a new reference point beyond the intended touchdown point.
What MPD page must the crew access to view the CBHK boresight correctors?
Does turning on the ACM switch disable FLIR level and gain adjustment controls? What is the benefit of leaving ACM turned on?
Use of the ACM will result in higher image quality and reduce image blooming.
How may horizontal lines be cleared from the PNVS/TADS FLIR video?
By performing a ONE TOUCH or FULL SANUC
How may the crew reference 1 foot of horizontal displacement at 90 feet using the LOS reticle?
At 90 feet, the open center portion (inside edge to inside edge of the three and nine o’clock probes) of the LOS reticle is equivalent to 2 feet at 90 feet. Half of this distance is 1 foot.
What is the minimum out-front distance of the reference object used during the NVS registration check?
The minimum distance is 50 feet at 0° azimuth. Accurate registration inside this distance will be difficult due to parallax.
What condition may result if the SYM BRT is set to maximum?
An apparent out-of-focus condition
At the conclusion of the NVS Operational Check, what FLIR polarity should be selected by the crew?
The desired polarity, black or white.
Which step precedes leveling the aircraft attitude when performing Respond to Unusual Attitude while flying NVS?
Orient the MPNVS/MTADS turret toward the nose of the aircraft and minimize head movement during the recovery.
What wavelength of EM energy does the FLIR detect?
The FLIR sensor converts intermediate and far IR energy (7.5 – 12 microns) to a video signal.
How should the NVS sensor be oriented to obtain the most reliable relative motion cues while conducting a terrain flight approach?
The NVS should be offset from centerline (looking left, right, or down).
Is the NOE Coupling video effect easily exploited when using MPNVS/MTADS with ACM turned on?
No, this video effect is not easily exploited when using MPNVS/MTADS.
When clearing the aircraft left and right, how far should the PLT or CPG look to effectively clear the aircraft?
The area cleared should be coincident with the HDU symbolic field of regard limits for the PLT and coincident with the MTADS for 90-degree tick marks for the CPG
The location and gimbal limits of the FLIR sensor prevent the P* from seeing the terrain directly beneath the aircraft. What must the P* do prior to conducting a landing from a hover?
If conducting a landing from a hover, the P* must clear the intended touchdown point prior to positioning the aircraft over the landing area
The crew should not perform a _____ _________ on either system while operating in a NOE environment.
When clearing the aircraft left and right, how far should the PLT or CPG look to effectively clear the aircraft?
The area cleared should be coincident with the HDU symbolic field of regard limits for the PLT and coincident with the MTADS for 90-degree tick marks for the CPG
The location and gimbal limits of the FLIR sensor prevent the P* from seeing the terrain directly beneath the aircraft. What must the P* do prior to conducting a landing from a hover?
If conducting a landing from a hover, the P* must clear the intended touchdown point prior to positioning the aircraft over the landing area
What is the definition of Minimum Maneuver Altitude (MMA)?
Minimum maneuvering altitude (MMA) is defines as the altitude above the mask or barriers at which the helicopter may safely maneuver.
What is the definition of Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA)?
Minimum safe altitude (MSA) is defines as the minimum safe height above the surface or obstacles to which the helicopter can descend in a masked condition.
What power setting, as a general rule, should be used as a minimum when remasking the aircraft?
IGE power
What are the benefits of crossing at/near the pole or support structure when conducting over-wire flight?
Highest point of the pole or structure, will assure clearance of obstacles.
What are the risks of crossing near the pole/support structure?
It will unmask the aircraft that can become visible to radar and other enemy detection devices. It also creates a choke point and aerial ambush point.
If wires must be under-flown due to the tactical situation, and there is loose snow or dust on the surface, what speed is recommended for under-flight?
Hover height, plus 30 feet and no faster than a brisk walk. Speed is also based on height of wires and tactical situation.
In a training environment, how may the crew estimate the height of the lowest point of the wires, if single ship? How much clearance should be added to the displayed hover height?
Hover in front of wires and ensure lateral clearance.
Compute minimum wire height by adding 30 feet to the hover height.
If 30 feet is added to the MSA for under-wire flight, how much clearance will there be between the top of the aircraft and the wires?
12 feet
Why should the crew use a flashlight with an unfiltered clear lens to preflight at night?
Hydraulic leaks, oil leaks, and other defects are difficult to see using a flashlight with colored lens.
What are the NIGHT or NIGHT VISION DEVICE considerations when conducting a Terrain Flight Approach?
Monitor on final while all critical obstacles in and around the landing area are visible within the instantaneous FOV, recon beyond the landing area for potential “Go around” route, utilize the landing recon to choose a take off direction, etc
What should the P* do with the NVS FOV when conducting a terrain flight deceleration?
To overcome the limits of NVD FOV and FOR, the nose of the helicopter rises, lower the NVS FOV to provide an unobstructed view of obstacles in the flight path.