Atlantic Charter/Pearl Harbor Handouts Flashcards
Why did President Roosevelt deploy the US fleet at Pearl Harbor?
Japan was trying to get an empire in the Pacific, and he thought by having the US fleet would keep Japan out.
Who was Isoruko Yamamoto?
He designed a military plan, he was the Naval Admiral and went to Harvard, so he knew the US well and also English. He wrote to a friend about his plan on the Pearl Harbor attack.
Who was Hediki Tojo?
He became Prime Minister of Japan, when he is elected, it shows that war lords are elected in Japan. He had a good military background. He later will be hung and dies for a crime.
What is the “pre-emptive strike”?
Yamamoto is trying to the US before war starts, and needs US to get a knockout punch before US gets into the war. They bomb US before we went to war to take the risk.
What is saber-rattling?
When the US put the ships in Hawaii for intimidation for the Japanese to announce our presence.
What is the ABCD encirclement?
Japan’s oil imports were cut off by America, Britain, China, and the Dutch.
Who was General Short?
He was the commander of the US army in Hawaii, reacted to the war alert from the Japanese, and thinks and tells everyone its from local Japanese population in Hawaii.
Who was Admiral Kimmel?
Commander of US Navy in Hawaii.
Why did Japan feel it was necessary to attack the US?
They knew they could not win a long war because of lack of resources. Japan also felt that the US was the only power that would be hard to beat, so they planned ahead with the attack.
List the warning signs that were evident of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
- Japanese were spying and have a bomb plan plotted out for the US ships at Pearl Harbor.
- Japan’s attack plan is heard by Peruvian ambassador and warns US, but no one pays attention.
- Japanese navy builds up.
- The destroyer USS ward spots a submarine, and shoots it just outside of Pearl Harbor.
- On 12/6, Japan sends 13 pages of a 14 page document to break off negotiations, one by one page. The 14th has the punchline and is not sent yet.
- Roosevelt got deeply concerned and thought that it meant war.
- At 6AM on attack day, there was a flat plane circling Pearl Harbor, and left north.
- The 14th page is supposed to arrive 30 minutes before the planned attack, but the Japanese are too late with it.
- At 7:02 AM, a large plan was seen, 137 miles, the information center was told.
- FDR after all these warning signs, still never said anything about it to the public or reported this.
What precautions did the US take to defend itself from possible attack?
- They knew there were spies, and were worried that planes would be hit by grenades and catch on fire.
- Planes were targeted and placed in middle of highway.
How did the US respond to the Day of infamy attack?
- Navy no longer kept brothers on the same ships
- They declared war
- Some leaders were given a hard time as they seemed unprepared for the attack.
- The US was still able to address it that night, however.
When was the Atlantic Charter created?
August 14, 1941
Who wrote the Atlantic Charter?
FDR and Winston Churchill
How many points are in the Atlantic Charter?
What is the first point of the Atlantic Charter’s meaning?
No imperialism
What is the second point of the Atlantic Charter’s meaning?
No more land changes.
What is the third point of the Atlantic Charter’s meaning?
Democracy and self-determination.
What is the fourth point of the Atlantic Charter’s meaning?
Freedom of trading.
What is the fifth point of the Atlantic Charter’s meaning?
Greater welfare and business
What is the sixth point of the Atlantic Charter’s meaning?
Live freely
What is the seventh point of the Atlantic Charter’s meaning?
Uninterrupted sea traveling
What is the eighth point of the Atlantic Charter’s meaning?
Disarmament is essential/UN
What was the ironic reasoning behind the Atlantic Charter?
The US was saying they already would win the war, even though this was signed five months before Pearl Harbor.