Athens - Democracy Flashcards
What led to the rise of Athenian Democracy?
The conflict between aristocrats. Aristocrats offered political rights in exchange for their support.
What were the hoplites?
The middle-class that could afford their own weapons and armor who wanted political rights.
What was hoplite warfare like?
Infantry warfare (men on foot), in the phalanx formation (rows of soldier with their best fighter on the right corner)
What was aristocratic culture like?
They gathered at the symposium to discuss political and social concerns or Athens. They had lots of free time to discuss this and wrote love poetry to students.
What was the status of women?
The aristocrats only wrote love letters to males because they believed that women were not capable of feeling love. They also had an issue with homosexuality believing that they were raising boys as women. These both showed that they had such strong opinions against women in society.
What was the rise of Tyranny?
Powerful aristocrats monopolized power which didnt allow other aristocrats to climb the ranks. They essentially became tyrants.
Who was Kylon?
Powerless aristocrat who tried to become a tyrant but fails after surrendering down a hill. However his supporters were killed after the statue of Athena symbolically fell. Families of the dead started blood feuds on powerful aristocrats that went on for generations.
Drakons reforms
To ease the blood feuds between aristocrats, he wrote his law code that emphasized homicide and its punishments. In which it failed.
Archon Solon and his reforms
The aristocrats and hoplites selected him as archon. Outlawed debt slavery, encouraged the cultivation of cash crops for commercial development, and you had to be eligible to hold office based on property qualifications instead of bloodline. Too much power was given to the hoplites and it failed.
Pesistratos’ coup d’etat
A tyrant who succeeded because he recruited hoplites. His political approach was democratic institutions, massive public works (buildings), and mercenaries. (soldiers for hire)
Pesistratos’ coup d’etat’s son
He became the next tyrant and failed in which the Spartans showed up at Athens to put aristocrats in power then goes back to Sparta. They did this because they did not like change but failed and the hoplites rose up and took power.
Became archon and has 3 reforms: reorganized the Athenians into 10 tribes to distribute power and make the politically powerful weak. Extended the machinery of democratic government to local levels throughout Attica. Gave the demos the power of ostracism. He succeeded.
What were the political values of a democracy?
Equality, liberty, fraternity/nationalism. Liberty is the weakest and nationalism is the strongest.
Who brought the idea of liberty?
The aristocrats
Who were the Thetes
Oarsmen who are slaves. They could not turn down a position because their position in society is so low.
The champion of Thetes who was elected in exchange for reform for the Thetes: every Athenian citizen had the right to propose and amend legislation and citizens are paid a days wage to attend assembly or appeals court. This led to the Thetes being the dominant force in the democracy and Pericles was reelected yearly. In which he engaged in massive building projects to glorify Athens and Greece.
What was the social situation of women in Athens?
Women were married off at the age of 14 and were expected to weave cloth all day.
Respectable women were not allowed to leave the house unless accompanied by a male member of the house.
There was also a large distinction between private and public realms where women were expected to be dolled up in both.
What was the social situation of slaves in Athens?
Debt slavery was increasingly rising, since women were always inside the house, society needed slaves to fulfill other roles in society. They played a large roll in Athenian society and without them, democracy would not work.
What three things made democracy possible?
Women in the house, Slaves, and Money. The women tended to the home life and children, the slaves did the outside work, and money allows the government to run and fulfill the needs of the people. It keeps the government running.
What was the Athenian economy like?
They were the leading exporter of olives, olive oil and grapes.
Oriental Disposition
Athenians won the battle of marathon by a landslide and this was the first time there was a distinction between East and West. Athenians had a democracy, individualism, and they were innovative. Persians had a tyranny, they were a collective, and traditional.
Where do we see oriental disposition occur again in modern history?
The civil war, world war I and II. It’s evident that modernization and innovation almost always beats traditional.
What was the battle of marathon?
Croessus of Lydia invented money so Cyrus the great of Persia shows up to take over Lydia over their new invention. The Athenians sent their forces to fight against Persia in which Cyrus ends up dying who is replaced by Darius the great. Athenians had 10k while Persians had 100k troops so a runner ran to Sparta for support in which they declined. Athens won however and the runner died from exhaustion after running back to Athens to deliver the news of victory.
Who were the important figures that contributed to democracy?
Solon, Cleisthenes, Pericles, Drakon, and Pesistratos with their reforms
What are Triremes?
A new generation of ships
Who was Themistocles?
Athenian politician and naval strategist at the battle of Salamis
What was the Battle of Salamis?
The Persians return under Xeres, Darius’ son and attacks the Athenians. The Athenians run away in the Thermopylae Mountains where they turn around and trap the Persians in a passage and wipe them out. However, a merchant showed the Persians another passage way to Athens in which they destroyed the statue of Athena.