An agreement used generically to include both legal contracts for the air carriers’ use of airfield facilities and leases for use of terminal facilities.
Airport Use Agreement
An agreement that specifies the methods for calculating rates air carriers must pay for use of airport facilities and services.
Airport Use Agreement
An agreement that identifies the air carriers’ rights and privileges, sometimes including the right to approve or disapprove any major proposed airport capital development projects.
Airport Use Agreement
Common Forms of Airport Use Agreement
- Residual Cost Approach
- Compensatory Cost Approach
One or more air carriers collectively assume significant financial risk - by agreeing to pay any costs of running the airport that are not allocated to other users or covered by all other sources of revenue.
Residual Cost Approach
The airport operator assumes the major financial risk of running the airport and charges the air carriers fees and rental rates set so as to recover the actual costs of the facilities and services that they use.
Compensatory Cost Approach
It represented the first residual cost contract.
O’Hare Agreement or United Contract
Third form of airport use agreement.
Hybrid Cost Approach
Any surplus revenues would be credited to the airlines and any deficit charged to them in calculating airline landing fees or other rates for the following year.
Residual Cost Approach
It is the standard agreement between airports and air carriers in the years before airline deregulation.
Residual Cost Approach
It still exists in the post deregulation era particularly at airports where the air carrier dominates in market share.
Residual Cost Approach
agreement between an airport and a serving air carrier requires the air carrier to pay rates and charges equal to the costs of the facilities the air carrier uses, as determined by cost accounting.
Compensatory Agreement
The airport operator assumes the financial risk of airport operations.
Compensatory Cost Approach
The airline operator assumes the financial risk of airport operations.
Residual Cost Approach
air carriers operating under a ______________________ provide no guarantee that fees and rents will be sufficient to allow the airport to meet its annual operating and debt service requirements.
Compensatory Agreement