Astronomy MTT Flashcards
Apparent magnitude
Measure of brightness of star as appears from observer
Black dwarf
Cold dark remains of white dwarf
Black hole/ singularity
Collapsed star so massive that not even light can escape from gravitational field
Gravitational lensing
Bending of light rays due to the distortion of space caused by massive object like black hole
Light year
Distance light travels in a year, ~ 9.5 * 10^ 12
Main sequence
Groups of stars lying in a line running from top left to bottom right of H-R diagram
Neutron star
Remnant of supernova, consisting of entirely neutrons
Nuclear fusion
Process in which H converted to He to produce light & heat
Technique used to measure distance to other stars
Astronomical unit of length = 3.26 l.y
Stellar parallax
Apparent change in position of star throughout year due to earths motion around Sun
Planetary nebula
Could of gas produced when red giant runs out of fuel
Red giant
Star produced when core of sun-sized star runs of H
Spectral class
Classification system for stars based on their colour
Giant explosion that occurs when star many times larger than our sun runs out nuclear fuel
White dwarf
Hot dense star that is the remains of red giant
Compression of light waves due to motion of stars towards the Earth; blue-shift makes light appear bluer then it should
Cosmic microwave background radiation
After-glow of he BB, low E radiation that fills universe
Study of history & structure of entire universe
Doppler effect
Expansion or compression of waves due to motion of object making the waves
Milky Way
Galaxy in which solar sys located
Red shifts
Stretching of light waves due to motion of stars away from Earth, makes light appear more red than should
Steady state theory/ infinite universe theory
Now discounted theory that universe has always existed in form it is today
Formation living organisms from inanimate material
Process which Ps of dust & rock slowly come together due to gravity to form larger object
Cyanobacteria / blue green bacteria
Microscopic org store E from sunlight using photosynthesis
Naturally occurring satellite orbits planet
Celestial (relating to sky) body that’s in orbit around sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that’s assumes round shape & has cleared neighbourhood around its orbit
Collapsing could of had that’ll eventually become star
Gas giant
Large planet consisting mainly gasses; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune
Theory that life didn’t evolve on Earth but rather came to earth on a comet or meteorite
Terrestrial planet
Literally “earth-like” planet, made primarily rock & solid material; Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars
Absolute magnitude
Measure how bright star would appear if 10 parsec from Earth