Astron. Math Flashcards
1 light year ~ 9.46 x 10^12km=
9.46x 10^15m
1 AU = 1.496 x 10^8 km =
1 AU 1.496 X 10^11m
1 parsec (pc) ~3.09 x 10^13 km=
3.26 light years
Powers of 10 means how many times to
Multiply 10 by itself. 10^2 = 10x10=100
or a 1 with that number of zeros behind it.
A negative exponet tells how many places to the —— of the decimal point , including the 1 so10^-6 is 0.000001
multiplying powers of 10 requires —–exponets
Adding . 10^4 x 10^5 =10^9
Dividing exponets of ten mean ——– exponents
(10^4)^3 Power of Powers
square root of 10^4, =(10^4) 1/2=10^4(1/2)
There is NO shortcut for adding and subtracting powers of 10
Must be written long hand.
10^6 +10^2 = 1,000,000 + 100=1,000,100.00
10^8 +10^-3+ 100,000,000. +.001=100,000,000.001
Format in which a number between 1 and 10 is multiplied by a power of 10 is
Scientific Notation. 6 X10^6 or 6,000,000.
Convert number to a scientific notation. a —- step process
- Move the decimal point to come after the first NON zero digit
The number of places it moved tells you the power of ten, the power is POSITIVE it it moves to the left, and Negative if it moves to the right. 3042 3.042 x 10^3. We want as few digits in front of decimal as possible.
convert a number from scientific notation
The power of 10 indicates how many place to move the decimal point; move it to RT if power of 10 is positve. to left if Neg
If moving the decimal point creates any open places, fill them with zeros
- 01 x 10^2 =401 two to the right
5. 7 x 10^-3 = 5.7 x negative 1000=0.0057 moved three to the left