Asthma and Anaphylaxis Flashcards
What is Asthma?
condition where bronchi go into spasm + become narrower
excess mucus produced, causing difficulty of breathing
What are the 2 types of asthma triggers?
What are 3 examples of non-allergen triggers of asthma?
- smoke
- infections
- emotions
- medications
- weather changes
- industrial chemicals
- exercise
What are 3 examples of allergen triggers of asthma?
- pollens
- dust and dust mites
- animal danger
- food
- preservatives / additives
- mould + spores
How do you administer a reliever inhaler 4:4:4
4 puffs
4 breaths between each puff
repeat every 4 minutes
After DRSABCD + consent how to manage an asthma attack
- sitting position
- reassure
- adequate fresh air
- administer inhaler
How to manage an allergic reaction
- remove allergen
- give medication - antihistamine
- apply cold compress to skin if reacting
- stay and monitor
What difference is there between the symptoms/sign of allergic and anaphylactic reactions
anaphylactic = more intense reactions
After DRSABCD + consent, how to manage an anaphylactic reaction
- lay casualty flat
- administer epipen
How to administer epipen (Adrenalin Auto injector)
- blue to sky orange to thigh
- hold for 10 seconds (or more)