Assimil Spanish Flashcards
At the train’s arrival
A la llegada del tren
but what’s the matter with you?
pero… ¿qué te pasa?
you’re pale
estás pálido
The journey didn’t agree with you?
Te ha sentado mal el viaje?
I felt queasy
Me he mareado
I get very sick
Me pongo malísimo
when I travel facing backwards ( of back to-the direction of the motion)
cuando viajo de espaldas al sentido de la marcha
And why didn’t you ask the person who was sitting (went seated) opposite
Y por qué no has pedido a la persona que iba sentada enfrente
to change places with you (that with-you he/she changed the place)?
que te cambiase el sito?
People understand (The people’ understands) this type of situation/s)
La gente comprende este tipo de situaciones
and are usually (is accustomed to being ) kind
y suele ser amable
I thought about it (Already it I have thought), but I couldn’t
Ya lo he pensado, pero no he podido;
there was nobody [there], the seat was (went) empty.
no había nadie, es que el asiento iba vacío
The train has arrived late
El tren ha llegado con retraso
You’re very pale, what’s happened to you?
Estás muy pálida, qué te pasa?
Boat trips don’t agree with me
Los viajes en barco no me sientan bien.
I always get seasick
Siempre me mareo
lo he pensado
Tomaremos una infusión
la salida
I’ll wait for you outside the cinema
Te espero a la salida del cine
The coffee didn’t agree with me
El café me ha sentado mal
An herbal tea will do you good
Una infusión te sentará bien
Those shoes suit you very well
Esos zapatos te sientan muy bien.
I’m feeling queasy
Me mareo
to get sick, to fall ill
ponerse enfermo (or malo)
Look out, the traffic light is turning red!
Cuidado, el semáforo se ha puesto rojo!
My back hurts
Me duele la espalda
I usually take the train
Suelo tomar el tren.
Brazen Logic
Lógica descarada
A gentleman enters (into) a restaurant with a lighted cigarette in his (the) hand.
Un señor entra en un restaurante con un cigarro encendido en la mano.
As soon as [he is] seated, the waiter heads over (directs himself) to him and says (to him)
Nada mas sentarse, el camarero se dirige a él y le dice
Sir, it is forbidden to smoke here.
Cabellero, aquí está prohibido fumar.
Did you not see (You haven’t seen) the sign?
No ha visto el letrero?
This area is reserved for (the) non-smokers.
Esta zona está reservada a los no fumadores.
[Yes] I know (Already it I -know), replies the newcomer (recently arrived)
Ya lo sé, contesta el recién llegado.
Excuse me, but you have a cigarette in your heand, the waiter insists.
Disculpe, pero tiene usted un cigarro en la mano, insiste el camarero
Here we go again!
Y dale!
I’m also wearing shoes on my feet, but (and) I’m not walking!
También llevo zapatos en los pies y no ando!
What’s the name of the restaurant?
Cómo se llama el restaurante?
He/She came over to me to ask me for a cigarette.
Se ha dirigido a mí para pedirme un cigarro.
Is this table reserved?
Esta mesa está reservada?
I’ll ask the waiter
Preguntaré al camarero.
Excuse me, this room is for non-smokers.
Disculpe, esta sala es para no fumadores.
As soon as he arrived, he phoned.
Nada más llegar, telefoneó.
She left as soon as she had eaten.
Se ha ido nada más comer.
He smokes a lot, and on top of that he complains!
Fuma muco y encima se queja!
It is forbidden to park here
Aquí, está prohibido aparcar.
No smoking/parking
Prohibido fumar/aparcar
I knew it!
Ya lo sabía
I told you so
Ya te lo he dicho
Look Lidia is wearing/has on very pretty earrings.
Mira, Lidia lleva/tiene unos pendientes muy bonitos.
Absent- minded (Distracted [f])
Police station?
Comisaría de policía?
Yes, hello (tell[formal] me)
Sí digame.
Come quickly, please. I’ve been robbed (Me they-have robbed)!
Vengan rápido, por favor. Me han robado!
Calm [down], madam!
Tranquila, señora!
What happened?
Qué ha pasado?
Explain (yourself)!
I’m in my car…. They have taken everything
Estoy en mi coche…Me lo han quitado todo
the steering wheel, the accelerator, the pedals for (of) the brake and clutch
el volante, el acelerador, los pedales del freno y del embrague
the radio, the gear stick ( the lever of change), the dashboard…
la radio, la planca de cambio, el salpicadero
Impossible to start!
Imposible arrancar!
And where are you now?
Y dónde está usted ahora?
Well…. er…. now I’m here… in the car….. sitting
Pues…. bueno… ahora estoy aquí…. en el coche…… sentada.
Oh dear (Horns)! I’m sorry (Pardon)…!
Cuernos! Perdone!
Never mind (Don’t bother yourself)…. I’ve found everything!
No se moleste…. Lo he encontrado todo!
I was sitting in the back seat
Es que me había sentado en el asiento trasero!
I’ll ask him/her for an explanation.
Le pediré una explicación.
Explain yourself; what has happened?
Explícate, qué ha pasado?
It’s been a real disaster.
Ha sido un verdadero desastre.
His/Her car has been stolen.
Le han robado el coche
He/She has gone to the police station.
Ha ido a la comisaría
My money has been stolen
Me han robado el dinero
You know everything (you know it all)
Tú lo sabes todo
No fishing (Fishing preserve)
Coto de pesca
Hey, young man! Haven’t you seen the sign?
Eh, chico! No has visto el letrero?
It is forbidden to fish here!
Aquí está prohibido pescar!
I’ll have to fine you (put-you a fine)
Tengo que ponerte una multa.
But, listen…I’m not fishing!
Pero, oiga…. yo no estoy pescando!
And the rod, and the reel, and the hook, and that worm?
Y la caña, y el carrete, y el anzuelo, y esa lombriz?
Ah, yes, that’s true! [The thing] is that I’m teaching the worm to swim (teaching to swim the worm)
Ah, sí, es verdad! Es que estoy enseñando a nadar al gusano.
Well… you’re going to pay a fine anyway!
Pues… vas a pagar una multa de todas formas!
But… there’s no reason (motive)… Why?
Pero…no hay motivo… Por qué?
Because your worm is wimming [in the] nude.
Porque tu gusano se está bañando desnudo.
Did you see that it’s forbidden to park here?
Has visto que está prohibido aparcar aquí?
Ther’s a sign on his/her door.
Hay un letrero en su puerta.
There were more girls than boys
Había más chicas que chicos.
Yes, it’s me who will pay for the roll of film.
Sí, soy yo quien pagará el carrete.
We’re going to take a diip in the swimming pool.
Vamos a bañarnos en la piscina
Take the kids to the cinema
Llevar a los chicos al cine
She’s a very serious young lady
Es una chica muy seria.
These gloves are [too] small for me
Estos guantes son chicos para mí
He/She taught me to swim
Me enseño a nadar.
He/She teaches at the university
Enseña en la universidad
Come [here], I’m going to show you something
Ven, voy a enseñarte algo
Well, we’ll do [it] as it was planned
Pues haremos como estaba previsto
to have a bath/to have a swim/to take a dip
to take one’s clothes off
to get undressed
I get up, I shower, I brush (wash) my teeth and I comb my hair.
Me levanto, me ducho, me lavo los dientes y me peino
Bad business
Mal negocio
They tell (have told) me that you’ve opened a record and video shop.
Me han dicho que has abierto una tienda de discos y vídeos.
How’s business going?
Cómo van los negocios?
Don’t ask (talk to me)! Very, very badly!
No me hables! Malísimamente
From bad to worse!
Cada vez peor!
[Just] to give you (So that you form) an idea: the other day, I sold only one CD
Para que te hagas una idea: el otra día vendí sólo un CD
yesterday nothing and today…. it’s been even worse!
ayer nada y hoy…. todavía ha sido peor!
It’s not possible!
No es posible!
How can it have been (gone) worse for you than yesterday?
Como te puede haber ido peor que ayer?
Today the customer from the other day came to return (to-me) the CD and…..
Hoy ha venido el cliente del otro día a devolverme el CD y….
I had to give him his money back (I have had to-return-to-him the money)
yo he tenido que devolverle el dinero.
It’s a good business
Es un buen negocio
He/She hasn’t even phoned.
Ni ha telefoneado
It’s a very good film
Es una película buenísima
I absolutely love this disc.
Ese disco me gusta muchísimo
How is it going (for you)?
Cómo te va?
My brother is a businessman.
Mi hermano es un hombre de negocios
I have a shop (a business) in the town center.
Tengo un negocio en el centro de la ciudad.
This coffee is very bad
Este café está malísimo
very good
very well, marvellously, great
How have you been?
Cómo te ha ido?
to return something
In a four-star hotel
En un hotel de cuatro estrellas
the manager addresses a guest (client) who is crossing the lobby in pyjama[s]
el director se dirige a un cliente que atraviesa
Hey (Listen), sir! But…where do you thin (believe) yourself that ) you are?
Oiga, señor! Pero…dónde se cree que está?
For goodness sake…come now (But…let’s go)! What are you thinking of (On what are- you thinking)?
Pero… vamos! En qué está pensando?
Oh, I’m very, very sorry! [The thing] is that I’m [a] sleepwalker.
Oh, lo siento muchísimo! Es que soy sonámbulo.
Well, be aware that it is not allowed to walk around the hotel in pyjamas.
Pues sepa que no está permitido pasearse en pijama por el hotel.
And…. I warn you
Y se lo advierto
whatever your religion may be!
eso cualquiera que sea su religión!
I’d like to speak to the manager.
Quisiera hablar con el director
Is there a swimming pool at the hotel?
Hay piscina en el hotel?
I’m thinking about my date this afternoon
Pienso en la cita de esta tarde
You have a date?
Tienes cita?
At six o’clock, at the entrance to the cinema.
A las seis, en la entrada del cine.