Asset Management Flashcards
5-year interest rates go down by 2% - how much is the drop in %?
Value of position in 5-yr. notes would go down by about 2% * 4 year duration (of 5 year bonds) = 8%
Sharpe ratio formula
Beta anomaly from data in the real world:
cross-sectional vs time series predictability - and what is the Beta anomaly?
- Beta anomaly: Cross-sectional
- Cross-sectional predictability involves analyzing and making predictions across different entities at a single point in time. This method examines differences between units (like stocks, individuals, or companies) at the same moment.
- Time-series predictability involves analyzing and making predictions based on data collected from the same entity over multiple time periods. This method focuses on the temporal sequence of data points.
Low beta: Data snooping?
What is Berkshire Hathaway’s ratio of leverage to equity and where does the leverage come from?
- equals 1.6
- 40% of debt comes from insurance float whose annual cost is 3% below the T-bill rate
factor regression (with b the factor loading)
3-factor FF model statistical significance
Fund flows chase…
…past performance
Mispricing: Can behavioral biases explain momentum?
Disposition effect - Mispricing: Price reaction to good news (and other way around for bad news)
What happens with momentum strategies during market crashes?
- Perform very poorly
- When markets are down, momentum is likely to be long low-beta stocks and short high-beta stocks
- The long-short portfolio, in turn, has a very low beta and rebounds much less than the marke
Manual correction for t-stats
Data dredging (also known as data snooping or p-hacking) is the misuse of data analysis to find patterns in data that can be presented as statistically significant, thus dramatically increasing and understating the risk of false positives.
The balance of the bank’s account at the Federal Reserve bank is called:
Federal Funds