Assessment Tools Flashcards
Name the tests of Motor Function Assessments
Tests of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP)
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS)
Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS-2)
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2)
Name the Comprehensive Developmental Scale Assessments
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III)
Batelle Developmental Inventory (BDI-2)
Name the Assessment of Functional Capabilities Assessments
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)
Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFim)
School Function Assessment
Name the Screening Tools Used
Denver II
Bayley Infant Neurodevelopment Screener
Harris Infant Neuromotor Test
What are screenings used for?
Used to identify typical and atypical development for further assessment
What are Motor Function Assessments used for?
Looks specifically at motor function. Assess gross and fine motor function
What are the Functional Capabilities Assessments used for?
Give PT’s information on how a child’s disability or movement disorder impacts tasks requirements of daily life routines. Examines what the child does in the context of daily life across multiple domains. (If they are unable to reach - they are unable to explore toys)
What are the Comprehensive Developmental Scales used for?
Assess all areas of infant and child development. Well suited for multidisciplinary and area assessment teams. Comply with IDEA regulations for service eligibility and special education services.
What does the TIMP Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Motor function
Ages: 32 weeks gestation - 3.5 months after full term delivery
What does the AIMS Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Motor function
Ages: Term babies - 18 months
What does the GMFM Assess? What specific population?
Motor function - specifically assesses Cerebral Palsy (CP)!!
What does the Peabody (PDMS-2) Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Motor function
Ages: birth - 6 years
What does the BOT-2 Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Motor function
Ages: 4 - 14 years
What does the BDI-II Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Comprehensive Development Scale
Ages: Birth - 7 years, 11 months
What does the BSID-III Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Comprehensive Development Scale
Ages: 1 month - 42 months (3 years, 5 months)
What does the PEDI Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Functional Capabilities
Ages: 6 months - 7.5 years
What does the WeeFim Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Functional Capabilities
Ages: 6 months - 7 years
What does the SFA Assess? What age range is it appropriate for?
Functional Capabilities
Ages: kindergarten - 6th grade (5 -12 years)
What are the most typical screening tools?
Denver II & Bayley
What screening tool is most often used in research?
Harris Infant Neuromotor Test
What motor function test is used a lot in pediatric research?
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS)
AIMS cannot be used on a baby that born prior to ____ weeks
38 weeks
“Consulted to examine the motor skills of a 1 month old baby born 32 weeks gestation ….”
What test would you use?
Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP)
Ages: 32 weeks gestation - 3.5 months after full term delivery
In reference to the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSDI-III) - what should you assume one is talking about when they refer to the exam as simply Bayley vs. BSDI-III
When Bayley is stated - one can assume that the screening tool is being used
When BSDI-III is being used - one can assume that the full assessment has been done… which usually takes about 50-90 minutes depending on gae
This assessment notes how a child can perform with a disability - does not state what the disability is
What test is used as measure of disability and detects what the child is able to do within their environment?
What information do the Assessment of Functional Capabilities help to obtain?
Plan a treatment program
Identify areas of progress/lack of progress
Identify and rule out existence of a specific problem
Provide diagnostic information
The ‘A’ in AIMS stands for ________
term babies – 18 months
The ‘body’ in Peabody stands for _______
It’s for everybody birth – 6 years
What test is good to detect functional deficits or delays?
The ‘BOT’ in BOT-2 stands for _______
Begin Older Testing (BOT)
tests ages 4-14