Assessment Tools Flashcards
Clinical imterview
Ask open ended or preset questions
Clinical interview strentghs
Wide range of information
Clinical review weakness
Low reliability, low validity
Requires that subjects interpret vague and ambiguous stimuli
Projective strength
Good to generate hypotheses
Projective weaknesses
Low reliability and validity, biased against ethnic minorities
Personality inventories
Designed to measure broad personality characterisutc and focuses on behavior beiiefs and feelings
Usually self-report
Personality inventory strength
- easier chesper faster more valid than projectives
- objective, standardized
Persomality inventories weaknesses
- caanot know validity
- state dependence
- cultural differences
Response inventories
- usually self-reported symptoma or correlates
- focus on one specific area of functioning
Response inventory strength
Strong face validity
Response inventory weaknesses
- careless, inaccurate responding
- not all standardized, reliable, valid
Neurological tests
Directly assess brain function by assessing brain structure and activity
- eeg, pet scans, cat scans, fmri
Nereuropsychological tests
Indirectly assess brain function by assessing cognitive, perceptual, and motor functioning
Neuro tests strenghs
- high reliability, validity, standardizatiom
Neuro test weaknesses
- usually requires many tests to be used together
Intelligence tests
Measure intellectual ability, both verbal and nonverbal skills, IQ
Intelligence test strengths
High reliability, validity, standarzation
Inteeligence test weaknesses
- only an indirect measure
- infkuenced by other factors
Clinical observation strengths
- naturalisitc : can see things in action, outside observer, less bias
- self monitoring : good for infrequent behaviors, private thoughts
Clinical observations Weaknesses
Often poor reliability, validity Self-monitoring - requires training - Sometimes inaccurate Change behavior you measure
Types of clinical interviews (3)
Unstructured, structured, mental status exam
Three kinds of clinical observations
Naturalistic, analog, self-monitoring
Psychophysiological tests
Measure physiological responses -polygraph
Categorical system
Reliance on discrete diagnostic categories, disorders are qualitatively different from normal
Rdoc aim
Improve drug therapies by identifying biological factors and mechanisms
4 assumptions of rdoc
- Diagnostic approach Dimensional system based on biology
- Mental disorders are biological disorders
- Analysis across depimensions of function
- Map asoects of disorders for better treatment
Hitop benefits
Focus on mental health as a continuum and simplifies diosrders