Assessment Final UPDATE Flashcards
Which cranial nerves control the extraocular muscles (EOM)?
- Oculomotor (III),
- Trochlear (IV)
- Abducens (VI),
Documenting Heart Sounds x4
- Frequency/Pitch
- Intensity/Loudness
- Duration
- Timing: systole/diastole
How often should males 15 y/o+ do a testicular self exam?
Once a month
skin normal findings seen mostly in infants? x3
- Cafe Au Lait Spot
- Mongolian Spot
- Lanugo
Where is the most common site for breast tumors
upper outer quadrant
Striae which occur when elastic fibers in the reticular layers of the skin are broken after rapid or prolonged stretching, have a distinct color when of long duration. What is this color?
Silvery White
- Keloid
- hypertrophic scar
- elevetated skin by excess scar tisue
Straightening a limb at a joint
All Patients Take Meds..
- Aortic (2nd Rt, ICS)
- Pulmonary (2nd Left, ICS)
- Tricuspid (Lt lower sternum)
- Mitral (5th ICS midclavical)
What is the best position for inspecting the breasts for retraction?
Sitting with hand pushing onto hips
Turning the forearm so the palm is up
Cranial Nerve Mneumonic Sensory, Motor or Both
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degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward. It causes pain and stiffness, especially in the hip, knee, and thumb joints.
- Keloid
- hypertrophic scar
- elevetated skin by excess scar tisue
- Polycyclic
- i.e. psoriasis
- anular lesions grow together
A newborn’s nail beds may be blue (cyanotic) for the first few hours of life, then they turn what color?
Define a Lymph Node
- Small oval clumps of lymphatic tissue located at intervals along the vessels.
- Filter fluid before returned to bloodstream
- remove harmful organisms.
Compound Nevus
Which of the following options is not a change that comes with menopause?
- The vaginal pH becomes more alkalotic
- The vagina becomes shorter and narrower
- The cervix shrinks
- The ovaries hypertrophy
junctional nevus
- Scale
- compact flakes of skin
Characteristics of Osteoarthritis?
- Joints ache and may be tender but have little or no swelling.
- Symptoms often begin on one side of the body and may spread to the other side.
- Onset develops slow over the years
During assessment of the spine, what do you ask the patient?
- Flex
- Extend
- Abduct
- Rotate
A murmur heard after S1 and before S2 is classified as
systolic (possibly benign)
- Meta-tarso-phangeal joint
- Redness, swelling, heat, tenderness
- metabolic disorder, elevated serum uric acid
- More predominant in men older than 40 yrs
What 4 areas do you auscultate when listening to the heart?
- Aortic, Pulmonic, Tricuspid, Mitral
Describe the Cervical Node
- Drains the head and neck
- zosteriform
- linear around unilateral nerve
- ex: herpes
A 78 year old male comes into the office and the nurse assesses that he has a greying/white arc/circle around his cornea with no vision loss. She should conclude that the patient has:
Arcus Senillis
Describe the Epitrochlear Node
- In the Antecubital fossa
Cerebellar function is assesed by which of the following tests?
coordination, hop on one foot
3 Common types of birthmarks
- freckles
- junctional nevus
- compound nevus
moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle
3 areas of the Glasgow Coma Scale
- eye opening
- motor response to stimuli
- verbal response
The nurse assess a patient with osteoarthritis, what would be an expected sign/symptom?
- stiff knees, hips, fingers, and vertebrae
- Confluent Lesion
- ex hives//uriticaria
Describe the Left Lung
- narrower than the right w/ 2 lobes
moving the arm in a circle around the shoulder
really dark stools b/c of blood
- Discrete lesion
- Skin tags//acne
Swan-neck, boutonnière deformity, and ulnar deviation are conditions associated with
rheumatoid arthritis
An area of the body that is supplied mainly from one spinal segment through a particular spinal nerve is identified as a: