Assessing Humpback Whale Body Condition Using Drones Flashcards
Chelsea Napoli Guest Lecture
Describe humpback migration patterns
Humpbacks migrate from Winter breeding grounds (West Indies) to Summer feeding grounds (North Atlantic)
What are some observations that have been made about the humpback whales in New York?
- Less understood habitat use
- Inshore sightings are predominantly juveniles
- Lunge feed on menhaden
What are some challenges to studying marine mammals?
- Large
- Live underwater
- Free-swimming
- Often expensive to study
- Heavily migratory
- Need tons of permitting
What are some methods for studying marine mammals?
- Photo-identification
- Focal observations
- Tagging & tracking
- Acoustics (passive / active)
- Biopsies / genetics
- Drones
What are the advantages of using drones to study marine mammals?
- Low cost
- Adaptable to many research projects
- Increased perspective (“birds-eye view)
- Non-invasive
- Can be operated from land or boat
What have drones been used to look at?
- Abundance
- Genetics
- Health metrics
- Body condition
What was Chelsea Napoli’s research goal?
Assess the health of humpback whales in New York
How did Chelsea conduct her research?
Measuring body condition
Body condition
- General term for the energy reserves accumulated in an animal’s body
- Proxy for health
- Fat whales = successful whales / more energy
- More energy = increased foraging, reproduction, migration etc.
Why does body condition matter for humpback whales?
- Migration
- Summer: forage in high latitudes (accumulating lots of energy)
- Winter: fasting, reproduction and calving in low latitudes (using a ton of energy)
What methods did Chelsea use to conduct her research?
- Fly drone over whales
- Identify individuals from video
- Screenshot for measurement
- Measure with morphometrix
- 3D model for body volume est.
- Calculate body condition index
Describe a day in the field for Chelsea Napoli
- 5am: arrive at Stony Brook Southampton Marine Station
- Pack cameras, drone, field gear & snacks onto R/V Parker
- Start searching for whales
- When found: focal follows for camera ID and drone flight
- Sightings data collection for all marine mammals
What factors are important for a good day in the field?
- Weather: wind and we=well affect how long the day in the field is / how much data is collected
- Water condition: murky water is not good
- Whale location: closer to the surface = better footage
How many whales are typically spotted in a day in the field?
How does Chelsea utilize photo-ID in her research?
- Drone photos of the whales are taken in the field are matched to photos in a catalog
- Each humpback whale has a unique pattern on its tail that is as unique as a human fingerprint
- Thorne lab has ~200 collaborators
How does Chelsea pick drone images for body condition research?
- Parallel to the surface of the water
- Clear image in focus
- Not bent, angled, or rolled
These are wild animals and are often not in the perfect position for research images
Describes how the characteristics of living creatures change with size
What information can be learned from using BCI values?
- Comparison: assess how the body condition of humpback whales varies across feeding grounds in the Western North Atlantic
Mass: using density estimates from tagging studies to calculate the mass from body volume
What was the main finding from Chelsea’s research?
In the gulf of main whales are accumulating more energy in the 40-60% range (metabolically active range) compared to the whales in the NY bight
What are some potential reasons for the higher body condition index for whales in the gulf of Maine?
- Poleward movement of prey in the gulf of Maine is increasing
- Decline of prey species in Iceland, Greenland
- NY bight and Iceland whales may not be accumulating nervy over foraging season
- Regional variability in human threats (ex: entanglements / vessel strikes)
Why are the findings from Chelsea’s research important?
- Energetically stressed animals = less resilient
- On-going UME events along the East Coast
- Many deaths occurring in the NYB
What is some work that Chelsea hopes to conduct in the future?
- Continue collecting data to monitor body condition over time
- Lab pairing data with biopsy samples
- Study interannual and seasonal trends in body condition
- Modeling East Coast humpback whale mortality due to ship strikes using AIS data
What are unusual mortality events (UME’s)
- Increase standings in Mid-Atlantic-states (NY, New Jersey, Virginia)
Describe vessel strikes
- Collision between boat and marine life
- Global conservation issue
- Large ships: less maneuverability / harder to detect whales and collisions
- Increased risk with faster / larger vessels
What are Chelsea’s research objectives in regards to whale mortality due to vessel strikes?
- How have vessel strike risk factors for East Coast humpbacks changed in both time and space
- Do existing vessel strike risk models correlate with known vessel strike stranding patterns
- What offshore regions present the highest vessel strike risk
What has Chelsea done to study her research objectives regarding humpback whale mortality rates and vessel strikes?
Developed a model to assess the monthly risk of mortality due to vessel strikes (from cargo ships only)