Assessing Flexibility Flashcards
Cranial and Caudal Traps and Rhomboids
Ventral glide of the scap; rock scap up and down
Have the dog in lateral, side bend toward the ceiling (stretching down side)
Have the dog in lateral; flex the down shoulder and SB toward the ceiling
Shoulder flexion and IR; keep elbow relaxed
Biceps brachii
Shoulder flexion and elbow extension
Carpal extensors
Elbow extension with carpal flexion
Common digital extensor (CDE)
Elbow extension, carpal flexion, flex digits individually at P3
Have the dog in lateral and assess the down leg; shoulder extension and adduction
Have the dog in lateral and assess the down leg; shoulder extension, adduction and IR
Latissimus dorsi
Shoulder extension, ER, abduction
Deep pec
Shoulder extension and abduction
Teres major
Stabilize scapula; shoulder extension, abduction and ER
Triceps long head
Stabilize scap with our cranial forearm; Shoulder extension with elbow flexion
Carpal flexors
Elbow flexion, carpal extension
Deep digital flexor (DDF)
Elbow flexion, carpal extension, extend P3
Stabilize the scapula; Shoulder flexion, ER and slight abduction
Superficial pec
NO scap stabilization; abduct shoulder
Psoas: do not stabilize pelvis; hip extension and internal rotation
Iliacus: stabilize the pelvis; hip extension and IR
Cranial head of sartorius / rectus femoris
Hip extension, stifle flexion; NO hip IR
Quad complex
Stifle flexion
Cranial tibialis
Tarsus extension (possible inversion?)
Long digital extensor
Stifle flexion, tarsus extension, toe flexion
Gluteal muscle group
Hip flexion
Hamstrings (general)
Hip flexion, stifle extension
Biceps femoris
Hip flexion, stifle extension, hip adduction and IR (be sure to IR from above the stifle)
Hip flexion, stifle extension, hip ER
Hip flexion, stifle extension, hip abduction
Hip abduction
Conjoined tendon (semiten, biceps fem, gracilis)
Tarsus flexion
Stifle extension, tarsus flexion
Superficial digital flexor
Stifle extension, tarsus flexion, extension at P2
Deep digital flexor
Stifle extension, tarsus flexion, extension at P3
Pectineus / adductor
Hip abduction (stifle can be flexed)