Anatomy Flashcards
Nuchal Ligament:
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: First 3 thoracic SP
I: Dorsal SP C2
A: Support the head; prevent excessive ventroflexion
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: supraspinous fossa
I: greater tubercle, ant to infra; thick tendon to free edge of greater tubercle
A: extend, advance limb; stabilize shoulder (largely stabilized by muscles acting as collateral ligaments)
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: infraspinous fossa
I: lateral greater tubercle; btn supra and teres minor
A: extend shld; assists supra in NWB; flexion during WB; abduction; lateral rotation; stabilizes shld
Teres Minor:
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: distal 1/3 caudal border of scap
I: greater tubercle caudal to infra; prox to deltoid tubercle
A: flexes shld; ER humerus
Deltoideus: Spinous Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: spine of scap
I: Deltoid tuberosity
A: flexes shoulder
Deltoideus: Acromial Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: acromion
I: deltoid tuberosity
A: abducts humerus
Teres Major:
Origin, Insertion, Action
O:Caudal angle and border of Scapula
I: Teres major tuberosity
A: Flex Shoulder (draws humerus caudally); adduction; medial rotation
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Subscapular Fossa of scapula
I: Minor tubercle of the humerus via thick, short strong tendon; unites with capsule
A: Adduction limb; extend shoulder; internal rotation (medial); stabilizes the joint during flexion (tendon functions as MCL of shoulder joint)
Canine Muscles of the Shoulder (6)
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, teres major, deltoideus, subscapularis
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Distal-lateral Humerus, just proximal to elbow
I: Lateral surface of proximal 1/8 of ulna
A: Extend elbow
(tenses antebrachial fascia)
Triceps Brachii: Medial head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Medial surface of the humerus
I: Olecranon
A: Extend Elbow
Triceps Brachii: Accessory
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Neck of humerus
I: Olecranon
A: Extend Elbow
Triceps Brachii: Lateral Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Proximal Lateral humerus
I: Olecranon
A: Extend Elbow
Triceps Brachii: Long Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Caudal border of Scapula
I: Olecranon
A: Extend Elbow; Flex Shoulder
Biceps Brachii:
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
I: Ulna and Radius, medially just distal to the elbow joint
A: Flex Elbow; Extend shoulder
Extensor Carpi Radialis:
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
I: Bases (proximal end) of
MC 2 & 3
A: Extend Carpus; weakly flex the elbow
Common Digital Extensor:
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
I: Extensor processes of the distal phalanges (P3) of digits 2-5
A: Extend carpus; Extend digits of the carpus (2-5)
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris: Ulnar Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Caudal Border and medial surface of Olecranon
I: Accessory carpal bone
A: Flex carpus
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris: Humeral Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Accessory carpal bone
A: Flex carpus
Superficial Digital Flexor
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Medial epicondyle of the Humerus
I: Medial and lateral surfaces of P2 digits 2-5 (wraps around the DDF)
A: Flexes carpus; Flexes MC/P joints; Flexes proximal interphalangeal joints (P1-P2) of digits 2-5
Deep Digital Flexor: Humeral Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Medial Epicondyle of the humerus
I: Palmar surface of the base (proximal end) of the distal phalanx of each (I-V) digit-P3
A: Flex digits and carpus
Deep Digital Flexor: Ulnar Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Proximal ¾ of the caudal border of the ulna
I: Palmar surface of the base (proximal end) of the distal phalanx of each (I-V) digit-P3
A: Flex digits and carpus
Deep Digital Flexor: Radial Head
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Middle 1/3 of the medial border of the radius
I: Palmar surface of the base (proximal end) of the distal phalanx of each (I-V) digit-P3
A: Flex digits and carpus
Muscles of the elbow (4)
Anconeus, Biceps brachii, Triceps brachii, Extensor carpi radialis
Muscle of the Carpals & Digits (5)
Extensor carpi radialis, Common digital extensor, Flexor carpi ulnaris, Superficial Digital Flexor, Deep Digital Flexor
What are the three epaxial muscles of the trunk?
What are the four transversospinalis muscles
Short rotator
Long rotator
Short Rotator
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Mamiillary process ONE vertebra cranial to origin
I: Spinous process
A: Rotates spine (or stabilizes if firing bilaterally)
Long Rotator
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Mamillary process TWO vertebrae cranial to origin
I: Spinous process
A: Rotates spine (or stabilizes if firing bilaterally)
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Mamillary process THREE vertebrae cranial to origin
I: Spinous process
A: Rotates spine (or stabilizes if firing bilaterally)
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Mamillary process FIVE vertebrae cranial to origin
I: Spinous process
A: Rotates and laterally flexes the spine (or stabilizes if firing bilaterally)
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Crest and the medial surface of the wing of the ilium, Supraspinosous ligament, Spines of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae
I: Spinous, mammillary, and transverse process of the lumbar, thoracic vertebrae and ribs
A: Rotation, extension, and lateral flexion of TS/LS
Iliocostalis thoracis et lumborum
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Wing of ilium (Along with longissimus), and transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
I: Transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae and last 4-5 ribs
A: Side bending of lumbar and thoracic spine
Deep Pectorals
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Ventral sternum and xiphoid
I: Lesser and Greater Tubercle, Crest of humerus
A: WBing - Draws trunk cranially w/ shoulder flexion
Non-WBing - Draws limb caudally and flexes shoulder
Superficial Pectorals
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: First 2-3 sternebrae, ventral median raphe
I: Crest of the Greater Tubercle
A: WBing - Prevents TL abduction
Non-WBing - TL Adduction
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Clavicular tendon
I: Distal Portion - Distal end of anterior humerus
Cervical Portion - Cranial half of dorsal median raphe
Mastoid portion - Mastoid part of temporal bone
A: WBing - Prevents abduction
Non-WBing - Adduction
Serratus Ventralis
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Dorso-medial third of scapula
I: Transverse processes C2-7, Ribs 1-8 ventral-middle
A: Supports the trunk and depresses the scapula
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin, Insertion, Action
O: Thoracolumbar fascia from the spinous processes of the lumbar and the last 7-8 thoracic vertebrae
I: Proximo-medial humerus along w/ teres major at the teres major tuberosity
A: Draws the forelimb caudally and flex the shoulder; Digging
Rhomboideus (3 parts)
O: Nuchal crest; median raphe, spinous processes of first 7 thoracic vertebrae
I: Dorsal border and adjacent surfaces of scapula
A: elevate forelimb; draws scap against chest
Trapezius (2 parts)
O: median raphe; supraspinous ligament
I: Spine of Scap
A: Elevate and abduct forelimb
O: iliacus - cranioventral ilium; psoas - ventral bodies and TPs of all lumbar vert.
I: Lesser trochanter
A: Flexion and ER of hip; flexion of the spine
Deep Gluteal
O: Body of ilium and ischial spine
I: Cranial aspect of greater trochanter
A: extend, abduct and medially rotate
O: Lateral aspect of S3 to Cd1
I: Dorsal greater trochanter; with middle glute tendon
A: extend the hip
Middle gluteal
O: Crest and gluteal fossa of ilium
I: Dorsal greater trochanter with piriformis
A: Extend the hip
O: Pubic symphysis and ischiatic arch
I: Lateral lip of rough surface of the femur
A: Adduct the limb
O: body of pubis
I: Distal end of medial lip of rough face of femur; tendon inserts on prox medial fem condyle
A: adduct limb
Sacrotuberous ligament
O: S3 - Cd1
I: Lateral angle of ischial tub
Superficial gluteal
O: Lateral border of sacrum and Cd1 and sacrotuberous ligament
I: Third trochanter
A: Extend hip and abduct limb