Assembly Language Flashcards
Machine language
○ bit patterns that are directly executable by computer
○ May look like gibberish to humans but it is actually the binary encoded instructions that the CPU can understand.
○ May also contain data in addition to instructions.
○ Assembled into files called objects, binaries, executables, which specify how the machine memory should be set up
Assembly language
○ symbolic representation of machine language
○ Instructions as mnemonic ASCII strings e.g. ADD R2, R6, R2
○ Cannot run but mostly readable by humans
○ Can be handwritten or produced by a compiler from a high level language (like C)
○ Assembly files can also contain ASCII labels e.g. BRnzp LOOP
○ ISA dependent. (High level languages usually ISA independent). Usually the case that each ISA has only one assembly language
used to translate assembly programs (.ASM) into machine code (.OBJ)
object file that is a specification for how the machine memory should be set up.
process of connecting several .OBJ files together into one executable program
process of designing/writing/testing/debugging/maintaining the “source code” of computer programs
Conditional control
a way for our program to change the natural flow of a program based on a condition
group of instructions meant to perform a specific task e.g. square a number, print out a string, etc. in assembly; similar to a “function” in a high level language
variable storing a memory address (as opposed to a regular variable that holds data)
act of using the memory address held onto by a
pointer to read/write from the memory location held onto by that pointer
Assembly directives
provide an indication to the assembler of where it should place various blocks of code or data
How does assembler program operate
2 Phases:
First Phase: convert labels into offsets and remove comments
Second Phase: Converts assembly code into machine code. Uses ISA to do this and saves it in .obj file
After assembler finishes, a loader program load it into computer memory
Partitioning of LC4 Memory
User Region: - Programs run by user as excel Processes run in user Mode (PSR[15]=0) are not allowed to access OS location in memory - User Code: x0000 - x1FFF - User Data: x2000 - x7FFF
OS region:
- Processes run in OS mode with PSR[15]=1
- OS Code: x8000 - x9FFF. However, 1st address in OS is at x8200. Bw. x8000-x8200 -> TRAP Table
- OS Data + Device Memory: xA000 - xFFFF
Next values are in data memory
Set current address to the specified value
Set value at the current address to the specified 16-bit value
Loader Program
The object file specifies initial values for data memory locations. The loader program in the simulator takes this object file and configures the LC-4 memory according to these specifications.
Assembly Directives
.Data, .Code, . ADDR, . FILL IMM16
provide an indication to the assembler of where it should place various blocks of code or data
Assembly files are stored in which format
Stored as text files. Text files consist of ASCII characters only
Code for small OS
.CODE .ADDR x8200 .FALIGN CONST R7, #0 RTI -> downgrade to user mode and set PC =R7
Advantage of Immediate addressing Mode instructions
Can bypass storing data first in register and specifying register address in instruction and instead can directly add data to instruction
Changes the PC to a memory address that is part of the OS. So that the OS will perform some task in behalf of the program that is being run. ‘Service Call’.
Once OS is finished performing service call, the PC is set to the address of the instruction one after the TRAP call
Difference BRnzp vs. JMP
JMP has a wider range than using BRnzp to Jump
Outline for enabling, calling and returning from subroutine
- Give subroutine a unique name using a Label
- Ensure subroutine is loaded at memory address that is multiple of 16 -> .FALIGN
- Pass in argument using register file
- Call subroutine using JSR
- Return data using register file
- Return from subroutine using RET.
–> wrap subroutine into JMP so that it is not run by accident
Address variable. Variable holding memory address
Dereferencing the pointer
act of using a pointer value to read from or write to a memory location
Assembly Program
Text File of form .asm that specifies the instructions and data needed for our program.
File may contain: instructions sequences, data blocks, labels, directives, pseudo instructions
JSR Instruction
R7 = PC+1 , PC = (PC& x8000) | (IMM11 «_space;4)
If MSB = 1 of current PC. Can only jump to addresses in OS Space. Because, PC& x8000 will yield x8000. I.e. MSB stays at 1 and with (IMM11 «_space;4) I can max produce a 15bit and not a 16bit number. Numbers I can produce with IMM11 «_space;4: 0, 16, 32, …
Please note subroutine could also come before actual code and I can jump back to the address
if MSB = 0 of current PC. Can only jump to following addresses in User Space.
Safety messure, when in user space can only access user code. MSB = 0
Need to use .FALIGN prior to subroutine code because left shift by 4 bits, implies that with JSR I can only jump to addresses that are a multiple of 16
Shift is done to give JSR a wider range of addresses it can cover
What does a loader do
takes .obj file and configures memory according to the specification in the file
Must be unique. code might still assemble but results may be unpredictable
initialize a sequence of n+1 memory locations
Fill the first n words of memroy with n-long argument provided in double quotation marks.
Set final word of memory (n+1) to x0000 (denotes end of string
.ADDR x2020
.STRINGZ “hello”
2 ways to set a pointer
2. Use Label + LEA
user_start assembly code
.ADDR x2000
USER_STACK_ADDR .UCONST x7FFF ; address where stack should start for users
.CODE ; adddress where USER_START should be loaded
.ADDR x0000
LC R6, USER_STACK_ADDR ; initialize the stack pointer (R6)
ADD R5, R6, #0 ; initialize the frame pointer (R5)
LEA R7, main
JSRR R7 ; invoke the main routine
“wrapping” a subroutine
that the C-compiler only generates JSR’s and really has no mechanism to generate “TRAP” instructions from your C code.
We need to make our own Assembly file of special subroutines that call the TRAPs in our OS.
The c files than calls this function/wrappers, which have the respective label in our own Assembly file.
;;;; TRAP_PUTC Wrapper ;;;;;
STR R7, R6, #-2 ;Store Main Return Address
STR R5, R6, #-3 ;Store Callers (Main) Frame Pointer
ADD R6, R6, #-3 ;Update Stack Pointer
ADD R5, R6, #0 ;Update LC4_PUTC Frame Pointer
; get arguments to the trap from the stack and copy them to the register file for the TRAP call
LDR R0, R5, #3 ;Load Argument Value from Stack to R0
TRAP x01 ; R0 must be set before TRAP_PUTC is called
; TRAP_PUTC has no return value, so nothing to copy back to stack
CONST R7 #0 ; not necessary - no return value value to save, however creating “fake” 0 return value in R7 just to keep Epilogue the same
ADD R6, R5, #0 ; not necessary - no local variables in lc4_putc to pop, however adding line just to keep epilogue template the same
ADD R6, R6, #3 ; decrease stack, remove return adress, value, pointer etc.
STR R7, R6, #-1 ; not necessary - as lc4_putc has no return value, update return value with “fake” 0 Return Value, to keep epilogue the same
LDR R5, R6, #-3 ; restore main frame pointer
LDR R7, R6, #-2 ; restore R7 to return to +1 after JSR LC4_PUTC call