Aspects of Stroke Flashcards
Brian Attack CVA Mini-stroke Pin-Stroke TIA (transit ischemic attack) (transit=passing)
Stroke Awareness
- 19% are unaware that stroke is preventable
- 38% do not know where in the body a stroke occurs
- 42% cannot identify the most common s/s of stroke (weakness/numbness)
-92% do not realize what a TIA represents
(smaller stroke is sign of something more to come)
Stroke Defined
Describes the clinical consequences of a focal or diffuse disruption of brain circulation secondary to an ischemic or hemorrhagic event
*Interruption of blood flow in the brain
50% of the general population is at risk
>50% of healthcare workers are at risk
Stroke Statistics
- 3rd leading cause of death in the USA(Heart Disease is #1; Cancer is #2)
- 750K new cases each year; 500K are preventable (Roughly 1 every 45s)
- Every 3m a person dies from stroke
- Leading cause of disability; 90% of survivors have deficits
Stroke Epidemiology
Age: risk for stroke doubles each decade after age 55y
Race: African Americans: 233/100K
Hispanics: 196/100K
Whites: 93/100K
Heredity: Paternal Stroke: 2x as likely for stroke
Maternal Stroke: 1.4x as likely for stroke
Time is brain…
- 2 million brain cells die every minute during a stroke
- 80% of strokes are preventable
Based on ~730K strokes annually:
- Decrease heavy alcohol use: 34K
- Decrease smoking: 90K
- Decrease cholesterol: 145K
- Decrease Hypertension: 360K; 130/85 is HTN
Atrial Fibrillation
Risk factor for stroke
AF is a type of irregular heartbeat resulting in ineffective pumping of one of the chambers of the heart
(a quivering in one of the chambers; can cause clot and therefore a stroke)
Impacts 2 million Americans:
- 9% of persons age 65y+ have AF
- s/s: rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat
- tx: blood thinners; proper tx prevents stroke
Risk Factors for Stroke
Diabetes Physical Inactivity Obesity (Metabolic Syndrome) Oral Contraceptives Alcohol Abuses Illicit Drug Use Hypercoagulable States Dietary Factors Infection/Inflammation Hyperhomocysteinemia Vascular Inflammation
Modifiable Risk Factors
DM HTN (120/80 is a sign of possible high blood pressure) Smoking Alcohol Consumption Obesity/Overweight AF High Cholesterol
Non-Modifiable Risk Factors
Age Race Gender Previous TIA/CVA Family Hx
Common Stroke Symptoms
- Sudden numbness or weakness
- Sudden confusion trouble
- Sudden trouble seeing in one
- Sudden trouble walking dizziness loss
- Sudden severe headache
Rapid Detection of Stroke
Follow the acronym FAST:
[F] FACE: Ask the Patient to smile; Any drooping?
[A] ARM: Ask the Person to raise both arms; Any drifting?
[S] SPEECH: Ask the Person to repeat simple sentences; Any dysarthria?
[T] TIME: Observe any signs; Call 911!
Stroke Classifications
- Ischemic
- Hemorrhagic
Ischemic Strokes
Occur when arteries are blocked by blood clots or by the build up of plaque and other fatty deposits
As such, blood flow is insufficient to a given area
*80%+ of strokes are ischemic in nature
Thrombotic (Ischemic Stroke)
blood clot forms within a blood vessel in the brain; vessel supplying blood to the brain
Embolic (Ischemic Stroke)
blood clot forms with in the heart or elsewhere, dislodges, and becomes lodged in the brain
Pulmonary Embolism
PE from a DVT
Lungs= pulmonary
PE is blood clot blocking the arteries of the lungs
s/s: SOA (shortness of air/breath); pain (can look like a heart attack)
Lacunar Infarct (Ischemia)
Obstruction of blood flow in the small, deep brain arteries; occur frequently in the BG, IC, TH, BS
-more focal