Asim & Shoaib Flashcards
E) Right Bundle Branch
C: Posterior Duodenal Ulcer with erosion of Gastroduodenal Artery
D: Paraumbilical Vein
C- Pelvic
- Most common location: Retro-cecal.
- 2nd Most common location: Pelvic,
D- Dysdiadochokinesis
D- Festigeal
C- Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
C - Left Lateral Spinothalamic Tract.
E- Sub-mandibular Gland
C - Ureter
C - Prostate
D- Meningomyelocele
C - Endocardial Cushions
A - Cryptorchism
C - Imperforate Anus with Rectovaginal Fistula
A- Colle’s Fracture
C- Ulnar, Deep Branch
A- Angle
A- Avascular Necrosis
E- Perineal Membrane
A- External Laryngeal Nerve
E- Special Visceral Afferent
A- Amniotic Bands
D- Ciprofloxacin
D- MgSO4
D - Perineal Membrane
E- Upper Brachial Plexus
A - 1st Sacral Nerve Root
D- Supraspinatus
B - Posterior Interosscous Nerve
E- Ruptured Plantaris Tendon
A - Anterior
C- Lateral Malleolar Ligament
C - Rectum & Urogenital Sinus
E - 47 XXY
A - Cataract
C - Limb Buds Appear
B - 2 Umbilical Arteries & 1 left Umbilical Vein
D- Microvilli
E- Simple Columnar Ciliated Epithelium without goblet cells.
E - Vas Deferens
A - Cortex of Lymph Node
D - S2, S3, S4
B - Dorsal Root Ganglion
C - Ligamentum Flavum
D - Spinal Part of the Accessory Nerve
A- Buccinator
E- Rotation.
E- Superficial Perineal Pouch.
A- Genitofemoral Nerve
E- Receives parasympathetic Fibers from Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve
A- Common Bile Duct
B - Liver
C- Ischial Tuberosity
D- Middle Rectal
B- Great Cardiac Vein
E- Superior
D- From T3 spine around thorax to 6th costochondral Junction
C- Radial Artery
C- Extension of Wrist
C- Median
E- Vastus Lateralis
A- Femoral Vein
C- Thymus
C- Middle Third of Esophagus
D- Microvilli
E- Pharynx
E- The Lamellae are regularly arranged
E- Muscular Growth from Lateral Body Wall with Pleuroperitoneal Membrane
D- 3-8 weeks
B- It is a failure of gut to return to abdominal cavity during 10th week.
E- 42-44
C- Ilieohypogastric Nerve
A- Colic
C- Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve
B- Apical Superior
C- C3,4,5 keeps the diaphragm alive.
E- Right Half of lower end of body of sternum.
A- Anterior Horn & Sympathetic Ganglia.
B- Median
A- Anterior Tibial Nerve
C- Semitendinosus
C- Peroneus Longus
E- Marginal Mandibular Branch of Facial Nerve
C- Popliteal Artery
A- Common Peroneal Nerve
D- Lower Ureter
D- Polyp
E- Submucosa
C- Hemisection of Spinal Cord at T11
E - Ureters
C- Duodenum
A- Axillary
C- They have rough Cytoplasm
A- Blood
C- Highly cellular lamina propria
B- Clitoris
E- Stapes
D- Where it lies on the psoas
C- Pleuropericardial Membranes
C- Supraorbital Nerve
A- III Nerve
B- 0.25 ml to 0.30 ml
A- 3mm
C- Inner Nuclear layer
E- Visual Pigments
A- Abducent
B- Cones in the central retina
A- Ascorbate is higher than the plasma.
C- Corneal endothelial pump.
E- Visual Pigments
A- 3 mm
B- 0.25 ml to 0.30 ml
C- Supraorbital Nerve
D- Weigert Ligament
A- Has its opening near its roof.
A- Black eye is due to accumulation of blood in layer number 4.
B- Lateral Pterygoid.
D- Superior Ophthalmic Vein.
D- Midbrain level with superior Colliculus.
B- Oculomotor Nerve
B- is equivalent to the dorsal root ganglion of spinal nerve
A- Anterior lacrimal crest of Maxilla.
B- Orbital process of palatine bone.
C- General visceral efferent
A- Aqueous Flare
E- Trochlear Nerve
A- Oculomotor Nerve
D- Ophthelmic division of the trigeminal nerve.
D- Lingual Nerve
B- Fasciculus Gracilis
D- Two lobes are symmetrical.
B- Base is formed by the middle third of the clavicle.
A- Accessory nerve & Sympathetic Chain.
B- Mandibular Nerve
A- Floor is formed mainly by the orbital surface of the Maxilla.
C- Posterior Vitreous Detachment.
B- Defect in Bruch’s membrane.
E- Raised Intraocular Pressure.
E- Traumatic Damage to the Sphincter Pupillae.
C- Directly into eyelashes follicles
E- Lies in the lacrimal fossa on the lateral part of the roof of the Orbit.
D- Short Ciliary Nerve
E- Posterior three fourth is receptor organ.
B- Hyloid Artery
B- Anterior & Posterior Chambers of the Eyeball.
B- Are attached at the equatorial region of the lens through zonules.
C- Startified Squamous Keratinized Epithelium.
A- Due to loss of Midline tissue near days 19-21 of gestation.
D- Congenital Deafness.
B- Displacemnt of the Tibia is prevented by Cruciate Ligament.
A- Abduct the Hip Joint & Rotate the thigh Medially.
D- Flexor Pollicis Longus
B- Major part of the Breast & Upper Half of the trunk Anteriorly.
C- Radial Nerve.
C- Phrenic Nerve.
B- A typical rib consists of all of the Costal Groove.
E- Receives sensory branches from mediastinal pleura.
C- Cooper’s Ligament.
E- Pectinate Line.
C- Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves.
C- Lesser Occipital & greater Auricular Nerves