Ashka Flashcards
How does Ki work?
A type of spell slot. Ki points = to level. DC is wisdom based. Can get Ki points back from a short or long rest as long as he is meditating for 30 minutes.
Martial Arts
- can use dexterity instead of strength for attacks and damage on unarmed strike and monk weapons.
- can roll a d6 in place of normal damage for unarmed strike or monk weapons
- when using the attack action you can use bonus action to do an unarmed strike.
Flurry of blows
Spend a Ki point to do two unarmed strikes as a bonus action
Patient Defense
Spend a Ki point to take the dodge action as a bonus action
Step of the Wind
Spend Ki point to take disengage or dash action as a bonus action and jump distance is doubled for the turn
Deflect Missiles
Can use reaction to deflect or catch a missile. Damage is reduced by 1d10 +dex+monk level. If damage is reduced to 0 then the missile is caught (if possible in given scenario). You can spend 1 Ki point to make a ranged attack with proficiency. Range of 20-60
Slow Fall
Can use reaction to reduce any fall damage by 5 times monk level
Extra Attack
Can attack twice with the attack action
Stunning Strike
Can spend one Ki point to attempt to stun a creature with a melee weapon attack. Target must succeed on a constitution saving throw or be stunned till the end of his next turn.
Shadow Arts
Can use two Ki points to cast darkness, darkvision, pass without a trace, or silence without needed any material components. You also gain minor illusion.