ASE Book 2nd edition: Transthoracic Echocardiography Flashcards
when first starting your TTE exam, you don’t wanna immediately start measurements… instead you should survey what?
should come in from a wider view first to survey at least the descending thoracic aorta in order to detect any pericardial/pleural effusions AND posterior mediastinal pathology such as masses.
For PLAX view of LV, what plane is imaged?
sagittal plane
T or F the true LV apex is NOT visualized in a PLAX view
what walls can you see of LV in PLAX
mid and basal LV anteroseptal and inferolateral (aka posterior) walls on left half of image
this can be seen in PLAX view outside of pericardium, posterior to the left atrium
descending aorta
this can be seen posterior to the mitral annulus in PLAX view
coronary sinus
PLAX view, which cusps of aortic valve are typically seen? describe orientation
right coronary cusp (RCC) is typically anterior
non coronary cusp (NCC) typically posterior
PLAX view can identify prolapse of this and excessive motion of this
can identify prolapse of the mitral leaflets past the annular plane or excessive anterior motion of the leaflets during systole
Color Flow Doppler can provide an initial assessment of
mitral and aortic valve function
PLAX RV inflow - transducer movement…
angle from standard PLAX inferomedially with slightly clockwise rotation and movement of transducer toward apex for RV inflow
PLAX RV inflow view is one of several views that allows
Doppler interrogation of tricuspid regurgitation and its peak velocity
RV outflow view in PLAX, how to obtain
move transducer slightly toward base and angulate laterally
What two valves are perpendicular to each other in terms of views
When the aortic valve is seen in short axis, the pulmonic valve is seen in long axis and vice versa
Color Doppler may be useful in this view to identify the location of mitral regurgitant jets
SAX mitral view
ALL P-SAX views are excellent for assessing segmental LV wall motion and thickening.
Think.. an apical 4 chamber view is perpendicular to a SAX or PLAX view? TRUE OR FALSE
4 chamber view useful for
LV systolic and diastolic function may be assessed in this view using tissue Doppler
To estimate LV ejection fraction (apical 4-chamber and then combined with a 2-chamber view)
to view inferoseptal and anterolateral walls of LV
biatrial size and AV function
Doppler interrogation of MV and TV function AND pulmonary venous flow
RV function and dimension (RV systolic function), TAPSE (m-mode), fractional are change (2-D), tricuspid lateral annular systolic velocity on tissue Doppler imaging
IVC sniff test, IVC remains dilated… that means that
the patient will have elevated right heart pressures