AS Skill Acquisition - Characteristics of Skill Flashcards
Define skill
The learned ability to bring about a predetermined result with the minimum outlay of time, energy or both
Name the characteristics of a skill (ACEFACE)
Aesthetically pleasing, consistent, efficient, fluent, accurate, controlled, economical
Describe open and closed skills
Open - skill performed in an unpredictable environment
Closed - skill performed in an unpredictable environment
Describe gross and fine skills
Gross - skill performed using large muscle groups
Fine - skill performed using smaller muscle groups
Describe self-paced and externally-paced skills
Self-paced - performer controls start and speed of skill
Externally-paced - performer has no control over start and speed of skill
Describe discrete, continuous and serial skills
Discrete - skill has clear beginning and end, one short sharp action
Continuous - skill has no clear beginning and end, often the end of one sub-routine of the skill is the start of the next part
Serial - skill that contains several sub-routines that make a more integrated movement
Describe high and low organised skills
High organised - skill that is not easily broken into parts
Low organised - skill that is easily broken into parts
Describe simple and complex skills
Simple - skill that requires few decisions to perform
Complex - skill that requires decision making using lots of information when performing
Define Positive and negative transfer
Positive - when the learning of one skill aids the learning of another
Negative - when the learning of one skill hinders the learning of another
Define zero and bilateral transfer
Zero - when the learning of one skill has no effect on the learning of another
Bilateral - when the learning of one skill is passed across the body from limb to limb
How could a coach ensure positive transfer?
- Training is realistic (use of cones replaced by real players)
- Make sure one skill is well learned before moving on to more advanced skill (performer experiences slow, planned progression)
- Use of rewards and reinforcement for correct adaptation of positive transfer (praise players for using skills with similar actions)
Describe whole practice and when it would be used (3 marks)
Practising the skill in its entirety
- Skill is discrete
- Skill is highly organised
- Skill is simple
- The feel (kinaesthesis) of whole task is required as learner develops
- Performer in autonomous stage, movement is detailed and precise, able to cope with demands of whole task
- Links between sub-routines need to be maintained or skill needs to be performed in a specific order
Advantages and disadvantages of whole practice (Name 2 each)
- Creates specific images stored as motor programmes in long term memory
- More realistic, helps produce positive transfer between skills in training and same skills in games
- Maintains links between sub-routines
- Develops feel of the skill (kinaesthesis)
- Unnecessary demands on performer, if not able to cope with all aspects of the skill at once
- Fatigue could occur without breaks
- May be too much information to process
Describe whole-part-whole practice and when it would be used (3 marks)
Assessing the skill, identifying a weakness to practice and the putting the skill back together
- Beginner doing complex task, needs to focus on one part of the skill to get it right
- Skill is highly organised, coach focuses on one aspect of skill, links between sub-routines maintained
- Highlight specific weakness, isolate it and correct it
Advantages and disadvantages of whole-part-whole practice (Name 2 each)
- Provides motivation, success achieved when weakness is corrected
- Provides immediate feedback, correct errors, allows integration and improves performance
- Fluency of sub-routines maintained while errors corrected
- Negative transfer if coach doesn’t integrate part back into whole skill
- Time consuming
Describe progressive-part practice and when it would be used (3 marks)
Practising first part of the skill and then adding parts gradually (chaining)
- Serial skills, order is important and links between sub-routines need to be made
- Dangerous skills (trampoline routine)
- Low organised skill
- Complex skill, difficult part isolated, relieves pressure
Advantages and disadvantages of progressive-part practice (Name 2 each)
- Focus on one aspect of task, correct weaknesses
- Fatigue reduced, rest periods allowed
- Each part brings success, increasing motivation
- Time consuming
- Might neglect whole task, ignore links between sub-routines
- Risk of negative transfer between each sequence of skill, ensure skill is learned before moving on
Describe massed practice and when it would be used (3 marks)
No rest intervals during practice, continuous
- Skill is discrete
- Skill is simple
- Skill is closed
- Skill is highly organised
- Skill is self-paced
Advantages and disadvantages of massed practice (Name 2 each)
Advantages: - Promotes fitness - No breaks, skill becomes automatic, fixed responses become habitual, player repeats skill consistently - Motor programmes stored in memory Disadvantages: - Fatigue, if performer lacks fitness - Danger of negative transfer if practice conditions aren't similar to real game - No time for feedback
Describe distributed practice and when it would be used (3 marks)
Rest intervals are given during practice session
- Skill is continuous, performer needs a break
- Skill is open, break used to explain changes to practice drill/ give feedback
- Skill is low organised/complex, relieve pressure
Advantages and disadvantages of distributed practice (Name 2 each)
- Relieves pressure and fatigue
- Allows feedback/mental practice, performer goes through key points of skill in their mind
- Reduces danger, clear guidelines given during breaks
- Time consuming
- Not useful for expert players looking to over-learn their skills
- Danger of negative transfer if coach fails to integrate practice session
Describe varied practice and when it would be used (3 marks)
Changing the practice type and practice drills
- Skill is open, likely to be changes in sporting environment, practice should replicate conditions
- Skill is externally paced, performer has to adapt to changes in environment
- Skill is continuous, variety to maintain motivation
Advantages and disadvantages of varied practice (Name 2 each)
- Allows adaptation of skills in changing environments
- Increases motivation by increasing enjoyment
- Helps build sub-routines and schema - a method of adapting skills from long term memory store
- Time consuming
- Risk of negative transfer if changing drills aren’t integrated into aims of session
- May be too demanding if too many things to focus on, causing fatigue
Describe mental practice and when it would be used (3 marks)
Going over skill in mind without movement
- Skill is serial and/or complex
- Best combined with physical practice
Used by novice and experts
- Novice: part of distributed practice (during breaks) basics of skill - short and key points emphasised
- Expert: techniques established - tactics/strategies highlighted - focus on opponent’s weaknesses
Benefits of mental practice (Name 2)
- Improves confidence
- Lowers arousal & anxiety
- Builds motor programmes
- Improves reaction time - stimulates muscle receptors
- Can be used when injured - maintains memory of skill