AS Sedimentary Processes Flashcards
includes all the characteristics of a sedimentary rock that are produced by its environment of deposition and allow it to be distinguished from rock deposited in an adjacent environment.
include all the physical and chemical characteristics of a rock.
include the palaeontological characteristics of a rock.
Facies association
describes a group of sedimentary facies that occur together and typically represent one depositional environment.
Polymictic conglomerate
a coarse grained sedimentary rock containing clasts of many different rock types.
Oligomictic conglomerate
a coarse grained sedimentary rock containing clasts of few different rock types.
Monomictic conglomerate
a coarse grained sedimentary rock containing clasts of a single rock type.
Till fabric analysis
a method of tracing the former movement direction of ice by taking compass bearings on the long axes of large clasts in till deposits.
Fluvio-glacial deposits
sediments produced by meltwater streams flowing from a glacier.
Littoral zone
is the area between the extreme low and extreme high water of the spring tides.
Palaeo-environmental indicator
a sedimentary structure formed in specific environmental conditions in the ancient past.
Palaeocurrent indicator
a sedimentary structure that allows the direction of an ancient current to be deduced.
Way-up structures
allow geologists to work out whether rocks are in their original orientation or whether they have been inverted by folding.
Point bar
deposits of sand or coarser grained sediments on the inside of a meander bend.
Channel lag
coarse grained sediment left in a channel after finer grained particles have been transported away.
Flood plain
flat land adjacent to a river over which it spreads when in flood.
Upward fining
describes a series of layers in which average grain size decreases upwards as energy decreases.
Flash floods
brief but very high energy flows of water over a surface or down a river channel, usually caused by heavy rainfall.
river channels in a hot desert regions in which flow may occur very occasionally.
Playa lakes
temporary lakes formed by storm run-off in deserts having inland drainage.
sedimentary rocks resulting from the evaporation of saline water.
Spring tides
the tides with the greatest range, and occur about every two weeks.
Longshore drift
the combination of littoral drift and beach drift.
a green-coloured mineral, an iron and potassium silicate of the mica group, formed on continental shelves.
occurs where the sea spreads over the land.
occurs where the sea retreats from the land.
fossils large enough to be visible with the naked eye.
usually less than 1 mm and can only be seen with a lens or microscope.
describes fragments derived from the mechanical weathering of rocks.
material is too fine grained for individual crystals to be distinguished using a petrological microscope.
planktonic animals with a siliceous test.
the hard shell of some planktonic animals.
Calcareous ooze
pelagic clay containing >30% biogenic skeletal material made of CaCO3.