AS Metamorphic Rocks Flashcards
means that no elements are added or removed.
the texture found in metamorphic rocks that contain interlocking equidimensional crystals.
the texture found in metamorphic rocks, formed by the preferred alignment of flat, platy minerals.
Slaty cleavage
the texture in fine grained rocks formed by low grade regional metamorphism. Platy minerals recrystallise perpendicular to the direction of stress applied during metamorphism so that the rock splits into thin sheets.
the brittle fracturing and grinding down of existing rock, usually in fault zones.
large crystals that have grown during recrystallisation in a metamorphic rock and surrounded by a finer grained groundmass of other crystals.
the texture in medium and coarse grained metamorphic rocks formed by the preferred alignment of flat/tabular minerals. The alignment is perpendicular to the direction of stress applied during metamorphism. No traces of original bedding remain.
Gneissose banding
the segregation of light- and dark-coloured minerals into layers or bands at the scale of mm to cm in thickness. The light band is normally granoblastic (granular) and the dark band normally shows schistosity.
Metamorphic grade
a measure of the intensity of metamorphism. Although increases in temperature only result in increasing grade in contact metamorphism, grade is also used to describe regional metamorphism where both temperature and pressure vary.
Country rock
the rock into which an igneous rock has been intruded.
Metamorphic aureole
a region surrounding an igneous intrusion in which the country rocks have been recrystallised and changed by heat from the intrusion.
Spotted rock
formed by low grade metamorphism in the outer part of the metamorphic aureole.
Index minerals
metamorphic minerals, which are stable under specific temperature and pressure conditions. They indicate the metamorphic grade.
Regional Metamorphism
Large scale, convergent plate margins, low to high pressure and low to high temperature. Pressure is significant. Causes foliation
Contact Metamorphism
Small scale. Occurs close to igneous intrusions. Temperature high, Pressure low. Forms baked margins and metamorphic aureoles.