As Imperceptibly as Grief- Emily Dickinson Flashcards
Which of Emily Dickinson’s fear is the poem about and what could it also be speaking about?
The fear of death and feeling that she is tricked by time passing away, it could also be speaking about how her happiness is disappearing
What does imperceptible mean?
Slight/ subtle - hardly noticeable
What does Lapsed mean?
Not valid/ expired/ out of date
What does Perfidy mean?
Being deceitful and untrustworthy
What does distilled mean?
Heated to extract something
What does sequestered mean?
Isolated / hidden away
What does Courteous mean?
Polite and respectful
What does harrowing mean?
Really distressing
Where did Emily Dickinson live and what was she like?
She lived in Massachusetts, USA, 1830-86 and she was recluse and didn’t leave the house
What happened in her life before she wrote the poem?
Many of her family members and friends died
What does Dickinson use to create a hesitant and disjointed pace to the poem and what does it reflect?
She uses a series of dashes and this reflects her own fractured state of mind
What are the possible themes and links to other poems?
Time passing- To Autumn and Afternoons
The natural world- To Autumn, Excerpt from The Prelude and Death of a Naturalist
What does the title and first line “As imperceptibly as Grief” link to?
The idea of grief to the passing of summer
What is the tone like and what does “Twilight long begun” suggest?
The tone is melancholic and it suggests grief is overtaking her happiness
What do the images of the end of the day/ season such as “dusk”, “twilight” and “Summer lapsed away” suggest?
The passing of time and life
What do the final words “Summer made her light escape into the Beautiful” suggest?
The passage of time is inevitable but will end in something more positive- possibly a release into heaven
What is the tone like in the final words?
More hopeful than the rest of the poem