Artifacts Flashcards
Causes of Artifacts
- Violation of assumptions
- Equipment malfunction
- Natural physics of ultrasound
- Operator error
Parts of an image appear brighter than normal or surrounding tissue
Parts of an image that appear darker than normal or surrounding tissue
Without echoes, a severe form of hypoechoic
Structures w/ equal echo brightness
Parts of an image that have similar characteristics throughout
Parts of an image that have differing characteristics throughout
Multiple, equally spaced echoes
→ Invalidates assumptions that echoes travel directly to a reflector and back
Characteristics od Reverberations
- Multiple, equally spaced
- Parallel to sound beam’s main axis
- Located at increasing depths
Comet Tail
aka ring down
Solid, hyperechoic line; occur when closely spaced reverberations merge
→ Invalidates assumptions that echoes travel directly to a reflector and back
Characteristics of Comet Tail
- Appear in areas w/ high prop. speed
2. Located parallel to the beam’s main axis
Hypoechoic/anechoic region that extends below a highly attenuating structure
→ Invalidates assumption that the intensity of the reflector is related to the tissue causing the reflection
Edge Shadow
Special form of shadowing that appears at the edge of a curved reflector; caused by refraction from curve reducing intensity
→ Invalidates assumption that intensity of the reflector is related to the characteristics of the tissue causing the reflection
Hyperechoic region below tissues with very low attenuation
→ Invalidates assumption that intensity of the reflector is related to the characteristics of the tissue causing the reflection
Focal Enhancement
aka focal banding
Side-to-side region of image that is hyperechoic; strongly focused beam = brighter echoes
→ Invalidates assumption that intensity of the reflector is related to the characteristics of the tissue causing the reflection
Mirror Image
Replica of true reflector
→ Invalidates assumptions that sound travels in a straight line, and directly to a reflector and back
Characteristics of Mirror Image
- Replica of true reflector (appears DEEPER than true reflector)
- Mirror (bright reflector) appears in between artifact & transducer
- True reflector & artifact are equal distances from mirror
Mirror image artifact for ONLY spectral Doppler; identical spectrum above and below the baseline
Occurs when gain is too high or incident angle is near 90 degrees
Speed Error
aka range error artifact
Step-off; occurs when wave propagates at speed other than 1.54 km/s
→ Invalidates assumption that sound always travels at 1.54 km/s
Slower Speed Error
Sound travels too slow and appears deeper; reported distance is too large
Faster Speed Error
Sound travels too fast and appears closer; reported distance is too small
Appear when sound energy is transmitted in a direction other than the beam’s main axis
→ Invalidates assumption that reflections arise from structures located on beam’s main axis
Characteristics of Lobes
- Located side by side to true reflector
2. True anatomy can be determined by using multiple views
Side Lobes
Lobes created by a single crystal transducer
Grating Lobes
Lobes created by multiple element (array) transducers; can be reduced w/ subdicing & apodization
Created when a sound pulse changes direction during transmission; side by side to reflector
→ Invalidates assumption that sound travels in a straight line
Slice Thickness
Reflections from structures above/below imaging plane from dimension of beam perpendicular to imaging plane
→ Invalidates assumption that imaging plane is thin and uniform
Characteristics of Slice Thickness
- Reduced w/ thinner imaging planes
2. Fills in hollow structures such as cysts
Appearance of only 1 structure out of 2 that are laid in front of the other; appears if structures are closer than 1/2 SPL
Appearance of only 1 structure out of 2 that are side by side; occurs when reflectors are closer than the width of sound beam
Least likely to occur at focus
Point Spread
Component of lateral resolution artifact; small reflector is displayed as a wide line rather than a narrow dot
Occurs when sound pulses bounce off a second structure on the way to or from the primary reflector
Reflection of sound away from transducer; results in reflectors being absent, weak, or appear different from surrounding structures
Poor frame rate results in inaccurate positioning of moving reflectors
Low line density results in less detail/poor resolution
Range Ambiguity
Reflector is located deeper/shallower on image; eliminated by increasing PRP
Small amplitude echoes resulting from electrical interference, signal processing, and fake reflectors
Noise resulting from constructive & destructive interference
Noise from false echoes located outside the main sound beam (i.e. side/grating lobes, section thickness)
In Doppler: contamination of accurate Doppler signals by vessel walls or heart muscles & their high amplitude reflections