Articles Flashcards
Carbohydrate contribution and exercise intensity? (van Loon et al. 2001)
Protocol - Contribution of CHO at different exercise intensities
Results - increasing intensity increases the contribution of energy that is generated from CHO
Relationship between muscle glycogen and exercise capacity? (Bergstrom et al. 1967)
- mixed diet consumption and cycling performance
- high protein and CHO, high fat and mixed diet
- measured oxygen consumption (assess substrate utilisation), muscle biopsies, lactate and blood glucose
- linear relationship between pre-muscle glycogen content and exercise capacity
- the higher the CHO intake the greater the exercise capacity
The effect of carbohydrate intake on exercise performance and mood state? (Achten et al. 2004)
- 7 trained male runners
- cross-over design
- 4 days moderate intensity & 7 days intensified training
- high CHO (8.5g/kg/d) vs low CHO (5.4g/kg/day)
- speed during an 8km was maintained in the high CHO group
- 16km run time was maintained in the high CHO group
- mood state was maintained in the high CHO group
Carbohydrate ingestion on muscle glycogen and exercise performance? (Bergstrom & Hultman 1966)
- one cycling leg and one rest leg
- ingestion of CHO
- cycling to exhaustion depleted muscle glycogen in the exercise leg
- CHO ingestion increased muscle glycogen stores in the exercise leg
Effects of carbohydrate ingestion on muscle glycogen stores and performance? (Sherman et al. 1981)
Protocol - moderate CHO - Low CHO and high CHO - moderate CHO and high CHO Results - all groups increased muscle glycogen stores - after 7 days all had similar levels of muscle glycogen - no effect on performance
Effect of carbohydrate loading on muscle glycogen stores over time? (Bussau et al. 2002)
- 8 male
- high CHO (10g/kg BM/day) over 3days, remaining inactive
- high increase in muscle glycogen stores of the first 24-72hrs
- no further increase after the next 2days
How does altering carbohydrate availability affect the response to training? (Wojtaszewski et al. 2003)
- 8 athletes
- 1hr of exercise (low MG) vs 1hr rest (high MG)
- measured muscle glycogen
- altering nutrient availability can alter the response of muscle signalling molecules to a bout of exercise
- AMPK activity increases in low muscle glycogen
Effects of train low, compete high on performance, citrate synthase and HAD activity? (Hansen et al. 2005)
- knee extension
- 10wk one leg trained high MG (once a day) stores vs low (twice every other day)
- no difference in max power
- significant increase in time to exhaustion with low MG
- greater increase in citrate synthase activity with low MG (oxidative metabolism)
- trend for increased HAD activity with low MG (fat metabolism)
Effects of train low, compete high on performance? (Hulston et al. 2010)
- training with high MG vs low MG
- trained at a self-selected training intensity
- time trial performance increased in both groups
- high-intensity session results in a greater increase in power output for the higher MG stores
Effects of sleep low on AMPK and p38MAPK activity? (Lane et al. 2015)
Protocol - sleep with low glycogen stores
Results - increases in AMPK and p38MAPK following exercise in the fasted state
Effects of different carbohydrate nutritional interventions and exercise performance (VO2)? (Burke et al. 2017)
Protocol - 21 elite race walkers - 3wk isoenergetic diet - high CHO - periodised CHO - low CHO, high fat Results - low CHO, high fat had a greater increase in VO2 - greater benefit from periodised
Effects of pre-carbohydrate feeding (fed vs fasted) on and muscle glycogen, blood glucose, plasma fatty acids and RER during exercise? (Coyle et al. 1985)
- 7 subjects
- 105min cycling at 70% VO2max
- CHO meal 4hr before vs 16hr fast
- muscle glycogen concentration higher in the fed condition
- blood glucose concentration dropped in the fed state prior to exercise due to insulin
- blood glucose concentration increased during exercise due to glucose uptake in the muscle
- plasma fatty acids was higher in the fasted state
- respiratory exchange ratio was higher in the fed state, indicating CHO oxidation
Effects of varying amounts of carbohydrate intake on performance and RER? (Sherman et al. 1989)
- 0 vs 312g CHO
- 45 vs 156g CHO
- 4hrs before 45min performance test
- high 312 g CHO had a greater performance than 0g CHO
- there was little difference in performance between 45 and 156g CHO
- respiratory exchange ratio was highest in the high CHO meal indicating CHO oxidation
Effects of pre-exercise feeding on performance and blood glucose concentration? (Chryssanthopoulos et al. 1989)
Protocol - 10 males - 2x 30km runs - 4hr before CHO meal - 4hr before placebo drink and CHO-E drink every 5km Results - no difference in performance - blood glucose concentration had an initial rise after the pre-exercise meal which returned to baseline during exercise
Effect of having breakfast on performance? (Mears et al. 2018)
- CHO, placebo, and water
- short-duration aerobic exercise
Results - increased performance in both the placebo and CHO condition
Effect of either carbohydrate or water intake on resistance exercise and hunger? (Naharudin et al. 2020)
Protocol - CHO, placebo, and water
- increased performance in both placebo and CHO conditions
- increased hunger in the water condition
What is the effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on performance? (Carter et al. 2004)
- CHO (12.5%) vs placebo
- 1hr/~40km TT with or without CHO-E
Results - time trial performance was reduced with the CHO mouth rinse
Is there a benefit to carbohydrate intake on performance? (Reviewed by Stellingwerf & Cox 2014)
- CHO vs placebo
- 61 studies reviewed
- 82% of the studies showed a performance benefit with CHO intake
- dose-response relationship
- CHO has a greater effect on performance as duration increases
What carbohydrate methods can increase exogenous carbohydrate oxidation? (Jentijen et al. 2004)
- glucose (1.2g/min)
- maximal glucose (1.8g/min)
- equivalent glucose (1.2g/min) and fructose (0.6g/min)
- tracer to assess CHO oxidation
Results - combined glucose and fructose can increase exogenous CHO oxidation more than glucose alone
The effect of multiple glucose transporters on performance? (Currell & Jeukendrup 2008)
- water, glucose, vs glucose and fructose
- 8 trained male cyclists
- 2hr @60% VO2max followed by a ~1hr TT
- power output was higher in the glucose and fructose condition
- performance was higher in the glucose and fructose condition (19& better than water and 8% better than glucose)
Effect of natural carbohydrate sources compared to gels on performance? (Salvado et al. 2019)
Protocol - potatoes vs CHO gels
- natural CHO requires a larger intake fo foot to achieve the same volume of CHO compared to the hell
- there was no difference in improvements in time trial performance
- greater GI symptoms with natural CHO
Effect of different carbohydrate drink patterns (volume and frequency) on exogenous carbohydrate oxidation? (Mears et al. 2020)
- to determine how the pattern of CHO ingestion during running effect exogenous and total CHO oxidation rates and the reported measures of GI comfort
- water, 50mL CHO every 5min vs 200mL CHO every 20min
- 12 males (26+/-7yrs, 67.9+/-6.7kg, 68+/-7ml/kg/min)
- 100min run @ 70% VO2max
- a higher volume, low-frequency drink increased exogenous CHO oxidation, this may be due to increased gastric pressure and subsequent emptying rate
The effect of hydrogel technology on performance? (Mears et al. 2020)
Protocol - hydrogel vs drink intake in cyclists -2hr preload followed by a 20min TT Results - no difference in performance between the hydrogel and an equivalent drink
The effect of carbohydrate enriched diet on the recovery of muscle glycogen after exercise? (Peihl 1974)
- 4 subjects
- CHO enriched diet (60g)
- 1hr endurance exercise followed by 1hr repeated efforts on the bike
- very rapid initial glycogen resynthesis after exercise following CHO ingestion
- glycogen synthase activity driving glycogen synthesis is heavily influenced by muscle contraction resulting from the exercise
- insulin-independent phase from 10-15min
- levelling off after 15min