Article - Zachman 1992 Flashcards
What is the Zachman Framework?
It is a systematic taxonomy of concepts for relating things in the world to the representations in the computer. It provides a way of viewing a system from many different perspectives and showing how they are all related.
What is the purpose of the Zachman framework?
To show how everything in an enterprise fits together.
What are the rows of the Zachman framework?
- Executive Perspective (Planner) | Scope
- Business Management (Owners) | Business concepts
- Architect Perspective (Designers) | System concepts
- Engineer Perspective (Builders) | Technology concepts
- Technician Perspective (Component implementer) | Tool components
- Enterprise Perspective (Users)
What do the rows represent?
Different roles or perspectives, different sets of constraints –> Therefore, different models
What is meant with constraints are additive?
The constraints of lower rows are added to the model of a higher row to produce a new model with a new perspective.
What is the challenge of quality management?
New models should not be too different. A problem then is that the higher-row model can not be reverse engineered (inferred).
-> If two rows are too different, the designers need to discuss what to change.
What are the columns in the Zachman Framework?
- What (Data? / Entities)
- How (Function)
- Where (Network)
- Who (People)
- When (Time)
- Why (Motivation)
What are the key characteristics of the columns?
- They are different abstractions of, or ways to describe the real world.
- Abstractions are isolated to contain the complexity of the design problem.
- All abstractions are closely related. Models should be designed to facilitate the structural integrity of the others.
What does the what column represent?
It shows the entities involved as well as their relations.
What does the how column represent?
It shows the functions/processes/transformations, as well as their inputs and outputs
What does the where column represent?
The locations and their connections.
What does the who column represent?
The roles and their work products. (Allocation of work and the delegation of authority)
What does the when column represent?
Intervals and moments. Basically time when events happen.
What does the why column represent?
Ends and means. Descriptive representations of the motivation of the enterprise.
Ends are objectives/goals
Means are strategies.
What does the Executive Perspective row represent?
The scope. An executive summary for a planner/investor about the scope of a system, the cost and how it would perform.
What does the Business Management Perspective row represent?
The actual business concepts
What does the Architect Perspective row represent?
The system models, in which the data elements and functions that represent business entities and processes are represented.
What does the Engineer Perspective row represent?
The technology models. Including the information system models to be used and the constraints of tools, technology and materials. Includes systems, devices, technologies and programming languages.
What does the Technician’s Perspective row represent?
Detailed specifications for individual models without the overall context or structure of the system. Tool components.
What does the Enterprise Perspective row represent?
The actual implementation in the business. How the business operates at the moment. Also called instantiation.
What happens in the who column if the transaction between two organization units is simple/well-defined?
The enterprise will form into a free-market structure. Work will be assigned to the worker who is most acceptable in terms of cost and availability.
Called ‘Markets’
What happens in the who column if the transaction between two units is more complex, not well-defined or understood?
The enterprise will establish an hierarchy that will arbitrarily define the work product ,the schedule and the cost that connects the subordinate organizations.
Called ‘Hierarchy’
What is meant by the rule: The columns have no order?
All columns are equally important as they are abstractions of the same enterprise.
-> If one is sub-optimized at any given point in time, the trade-off made should be well understood.
What is meant by the rule: Each column as a simple, basic model?
The basic model per column is a generic metamodel. Generic: it is the same for every cell in that column. Meta: It is a model for the enterprise model.
What is meant by the rule: each column must be unique?
No entity or connector can be the same between columns.
What is meant by the rule: Each row represents a distinct, unique perspective?
Each perspective is dealing with a different set of constraints relevant to that perspective.
What is meant by the rule: Each cell is unique?
- No meta entity can show up in more than one cell.
- Corollary to that rule: different techniques/graphic representations might be appropriate for different cells. However, this might complicate the design problem which leads to sub-optimization of other independent variables.
What is meant by the rule: the logic is recursive?
The framework can be used to describe virtually anything that has an owner, designer and builder who make use of material, function and geometry.
What are considerations for the last three columns?
- Definition of those cells are hypothetical and less empirical. Might be subject to change.
- Examples in those cells are derived from other disciplines. Still much knowledge to be tapped in from those disciplines.
Why do we use ‘agents’ in the who (people) column?
The entity that allocates work or the entity to whom work is allocated can be a person, an organization, a machine or software. Hence, agents
What is the general rule in terms of time allocation in the time column?
The shorter the duration between 2 events, the more resources required. Also the other way around.