Article 14 Vacation Flashcards
How many vacation shifts does employee get with less than one year of service?
1 day’s vacation for each full calendar month to a maximum of 2 complete shifts
When are these vacation shifts to be taken? (2)
- prior to Dec. 31
2. at Fire Chief’s/ designate’s discretion
How many vacation shifts can employees with less than 4 years service as of June 30th be entitled to?
2 shifts
How many vacation shifts can employees with 4 years service and over as of June 30th be entitled to?
3 shifts
How many vacation shifts are employees with 10 years of service and over as of June 30th entitled to?
How many vacation shifts are employees with 17 years of service and over as of June 30th entitled to?
How many vacation shifts are employees with 25 years of service and over as of June 30th entitled to?
How many vacation shifts are employees with 31 years of service and over as of June 30th entitled to?
What does 1 vacation credit equal in hours for FF division?
How many vacation credits are FF with less than 1 year of service entitled to?
1 vacation credit for every 3 full calendar months of service up to max. of 4 vacation credits
How many vacation credits are FF with less than 4 years of service as of June 30 entitled to?
How many vacation credits are FF with less than 4 years of service as of June 30 entitled to?
How many vacation credits are FF with 4 years of service as of June 30 entitled to?
How many vacation credits are FF with 10 years of service as of June 30 entitled to?
How many vacation credits are FF with 17 years of service as of June 30 entitled to?