Article 12 Sick Leave Plan Flashcards
How many days per month sick leave with unlimited accumulation does one receive?
- 1.5 days
What are the 3 ways an employee receives payout of sick time: (3)
- upon termination and has completed a min. 5 years service
- he is totally disabled/ partially disabled to an extent he is unable to be employed by BFES.
- he dies while an employee of of the Coporation
Who consults with Corporation in deciding extent of disability for payout of sick time?
- a physician specializing in the field of disability
Who receives sick time payout if employee dies?
- his beneificiary as designated in the Corporate Group Life Plan
At what rate does sick time get paid out at?
- 1/2 the nuber of days to a maximum payment of half of annual earnings
What does the Corporation reserve the right to require as justification for payment of sick leave?
- a doctor’s certificate
What 2 conditions must occur for the Corporation to stop paying paid sick leave?
- proof of receipt of LTD benefits with Aossciation’s LTD carrier, AND
- a written request electing not to receive paid sick leave
What does the WSIB guarantee about sick leave credits whenan employee is absent from work?
- the crediting of, or the loss of accumulated sick leave credits shall not be adversely affected.
Who pays for the doctor’s certificate when the Corp. requires and employee to obtain one?
- the Corporation
What is the policy of the BFES in regards to Modified Work Plan?
- to make every reasonable effort to provide suitable modified work to employees who are unable to perform essential duties of their regular jobs because of occupational/ non-occupational injury/ illness.
What Code is the Modified Work Plan based on?
- Ontario Human Rights Code
What does the Modified Work Program do? (3)
- promotes ab early return to suitable modified work
- reduces costs
- lessens the adverse impacts on disabled employees
What is the objective of the of the Modified Work Program?
- is to return a disabled employee to full duties.
How does the MWP achieve its objective?
- it matches the functional abilities and limitations of the employee to the demands of suitable and available modified work
Who identifies the functionalabilities and limitations of the employee?
- the health professional on the Medical Assessment Form.
What do disabled employees on modified work continue to accrue and acumulate?
- accrue service and seniority,
- accumulate sick leave
What does the MWP permit an employee a reasonable amount of?
- period of convalescence as identified by employee’s health professional.
Who does the MWP Team consist of? (7)
- Disabled employee
- Health Professional
- Dept. Rep., as req’d
- Fire Chief/ designate, as req’d
- Association Rep.
- Association President/ designate, as req’d
- Health and Safety Rep.
What are the responsibilities of the disabled employee? (7)
- promptly report all injuries and illnesses
- obtain healthcare treatment immediately and continue rehab as nec. to recover
- provide medical info., with respect to ability to return to work, immediately following initial assessment, or as soon as practical, to Dept. Rep. or health and Safety Rep.
- maintain reg. contact with Dept. and WSIB
- prticipate in exploring modified work opportunities and develop an early safe return to work plan with MWP Team
- communicate problems with MWP to MWP Team asap
- work in cooperation with all members of MWP Team to facilitate return to work asap.
What are the responsibilites of the employee’s Health Professional? (3)
- assess and communicate disabled employee’s functional abilities and limitation to determine if he is able to work and if so, with waht restrictions and prof=gnosis for recovery
- provide reg. follow-up assessment of functional abilities and limitation, and progress
- support MWP as viable rehab process
What are the rsponsibilities of Dept. Rep (Fire Chief/ designate)? (8)
- maintain contact with disabled employee to monitor ability to return to work and evaluate and support rehab process.
- modify work/ workplace, as nec., to accomodate functional abilities and limitations
- provide training
- monitor performance and progress
- ensure no tasks are being assigned other than those on Medical Assessment Form
- relate progress evaluation and concerns to Health and Safety Rep. and Assoc. Rep.
- work in conjunction with MWP Team
- advise Assoc. Rep whenever disabled employee is placed on MWP
What are the responsibilities of Assoc. Rep? (3)
- provide support, encouragement, and direction to disable employee
- assist in placement of employee into modified work
- work in cooperation with MWP Team
What are the responsibilities of Health and Safety Rep? (5)
- facilitate the employee’s early and asafe return to work
- receive and review documentation regarding employee’s functional abilities and limitations, progress
- coordinate MWP Team meetings
- Act as a liason between employee, Assoc. Rep., Dept. Rep., health pro., and WSIB
- work in cooperation with all members of MWP Team
What is a common practice among disabled employee, Dept. Rep., Assoc. Rep., and Health and Safety Rep.?
- to work in cooperation with all members of MWP Team to ficilitate a successful return to work as soon as possibe.
What is a Medical Assessment Form?
- document signed by employee health professional provided to Corp. outlining medical information and functional abilities and limitations.
Whose responsibility is it to provide MAF?
- employee’s
When will duration of modified work be determined?
- at commencement of modified work where possible
What must the assignment of modified work NOT create or result?
- a vacancy or layoff; nor displacement of any other employee, incl. employee on modified duties, unless employee consents to displacement
How are assignements made when ther are more employees on modified duties than modified duties available?
- available duties are assigned to employees capable of performing modified work in order of seniority.
What must duties assigned to modified work be reasonably realted to?
- the duties within the bargaining unit.
At what rate of pay will modified work be paid at?
- at pre-injury/ illness rate of pay for hours worked, unless wage improvements are made or employee progresses to high rank
What happens when injury is detremined to be permanent and employee cannot return to regular job?
- Corp. will make attempt to supply accomodation with employee’s dept. If not avail., the Corp. will attempt to provide permanent accomodation in another dept. of Corp., within qualifications, abilitities.
Is a disabled employee allowed to schedule therapy or treatment during scheduled work hours?
- Yes, after all reasonable attempts have been made to schedule therapy off duty.
Who has final decision in determining placement of disabled employee?
- Dept. Rep., in consultation with MWP Team
When will MWP Team meet to discuss problems with employee’s modified work program?
- anytime to discuss problems and identify solutions.
When can the Corp. require a health professional of the Corp.’s choice to clarify info. provided on MAF?
- when the Health and Safety Rep. has insufficient/ conflicting medical info with respect to employee’s medical/ functional abilities and for duration of absence
What happens if there is conflicting info. or a disagreement between Corp.’s and employee’s medical pro.?
- employee referred to mutually agreed upon independent specialist specializing in field of medicine for which employee is suffereing, who will make final determination.
What info will Dept. rep. be provided with in respect to confidential medical info?
- provided only with employee’s functional abilities and restrictions.
Who bears cost of independent specialist if Corp. deems it requires independent medical examination?
- Corp.
How is availble permanent work assigned if there are more employees than work available?
- based on employee’s ability to do the work. If equally capable, based on seniority.
What happens to employee’s position when they are placed on permanent disability and cannot return to regular job?
- position will be deemed vacant and it will be filled.
When will Corp. rebate the EI Premium Reduction Plan to the Association?
- in 1st quarter of year for previous year’s rebate.