Arthritis Flashcards
Contributing factor to osteoarthritis of the knee
Symptoms seen with lumbar osteoarthritis
pain across low back/butt. LOM of flexion/extension
Symptoms include progressive anterior shoulder pain that’s worse with motion. Difficulty with overhead activities, sleeping, axillary hygeine
osteoarthritis of shoulder
Most common inflammatory arthritis
rheumatoid arthritis
Characteristic joint deformities of the hands associated with rheumatoid arthritis
ulnar deviation at MP joints
What is the term for gouty arthritis that affects the MP joint of the great toe?
Finding in synovial fluid needed to make diagnosis of gout
urate crystals
What is the term for pseudogout that occurs in soft tissues?
Degeneration of cartilage leads to joint damage. Slowly hampers activities of daily living
Autoimmune disease that attacks synovium and soft tissue. See swelling and damage/destruction of multiple joints
rheumatoid arthritis
Deposition of crystals leads to joint inflammation and damage. Recurrent attacks, often the big toe
gout and pseudogout
Bacterial infection of the joint. Medical emergency that needs surgery and IV antibiotics
septic arthritis
Disease limited to the joint (one or several – more with age). Can see osteophyte formation, creaking with motion
Generalized disease that results in multiple, swollen, painful joints. Usually starts in hands and feet and progresses proximally
rheumatoid arthritis
Red, hot swollen joint / skin sensitivity. Can have multiple episodes that resolve over time
crystalline arthritis
Red, hot, swollen joint / unable to bear weight or move freely. Constitutional symptoms
septic arthritis
On imaging see joint space narrowing, osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, subchondral cysts
On imaging see joint space narrowing, bony erosions, soft tissue swelling, osteopenia about joint
rheumatoid arthritis
On imaging can see joint destruction late in the course of the disease
gouty arthritis or infectious arthrititis
Lab work results may include elevated ESR, CRP, anemia, leukocytosis, Rheumatoid factor and positive ACCP test
rheumatoid arthritis
Lab work results may include elevated uric acid levels and crystals in joint fluid
gouty arthritis
Lab work results may include elevated WBC w/left shift
septic arthritis
Synovial fluid will be clear and negative for crystals
synovial fluid will be slightly turbid with elevated WBC <25,000
rheumatoid arthritis
synovial fluid will be turbid with either monosodium urate or calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate
crystalline arthritis
synovial fluid will be turbid to purulent with positive gram stains and cultures
septic arthritis
Treatment that has been shown to help knee pain
Intra-articular steroids and hyaluronans, Gentle exercises, Weight loss
Gold standard treatment for severe knee, hip, or shoulder joint arthritis
total joint replacement
Antimetabolite that inhibits purine biosynthesis which is essential to rapidly proliferating cells. Is the most commonly used DMARD
Used for RA and psoriatic arthritis. Inhibits pyrimidine synthesis
Arava (Leflunomide)
From human monoclonal antibody. Binds to tumor necrosis factor. Suppresses part of the immune system. expensive
humira (Adalimumab)
Antibiotic treatment for gram positive septic arthritis
Antibiotic treatment fro gram negative septic arthritis
3rd generation cephalosporin + macrolide