Arterial Pressure Reg Flashcards
Regulation of _______ ________ is accomplished by a complex system of positive and negative feedback systems.
arterial pressure
arterial pressure maintained by multiple ______ and ______ systems
nervous and hormonal
mean arterial pressure needed to allow for adequate _______ ______ to all tissues
nutrient delivery
At critical flows blood shunted to critical systems for life: ______ _______ _______
CNS, heart, kidneys
At basic level, Regulation of arterial pressure determined by ___________ __________ and _____ ________ ________
Cardiac Output CO-
Total Peripheral Resistance TPR
mechanoreceptors for transducing pressure and pressure changes to NS AP —> CNS (nervous portion)
baroreceptor locations (2)
carotid sinus-
aortic arch
Baroreceptors sensitive to (2)
changes in pressure-
rate of change of pressure
baroreceptor impulses carried via CNs ___ and ___ to the _____ and ______
IX glosopharangeal and X Begus=
medulla and pons
Medulla/ pons regulation of BP via the ______ _____ ______ modulating _______/__________ NS outflow to _____ and _______ ________
autonomic nervous system -
heart and blood vessels
level of contractility ^ or v by
the level of sympathetic “tone” to arterioles and venules (vascular smooth muscle)
CNS CHEMORECEPTORS react to levels of ___, ____, and _____ in blood and CSF
O2, CO2, and pH
stimulation of CNS chemoreceptors results in symp or parasymp modification of ____ ______
blood pressure
disorders that may lead to autonomic hyperreflexia
higher spinal cord injury, MS
intracerebral bleed may lead to
acute hypertension
afferent neuron disease or peripheral neuropathies may be from
diabetes mellitus, alcoholic neurophathy, tabes dorsalis
angiotensenogen released systemically by
liver–in response to decreased BP or adverse Na concentrations
Renin released by _____ and cleaves angiotensenogen to form__________
angiotensin I