Art. 6 Cawsey ch 7 Flashcards
On what factors can change have an impact?
- Relationship with others
- The ebaility to do what is asked of them
- the fit with their needs and values
- their future prospects
When employees feel powerless a variety of undesireable coping responses may result:
- Alienation
- Passivity
- Sabotage
- Absenteism
- Turnover
The perceptions of costs and benefits of change depend on:
- What people are concerned about
- What they have experienced in the past
- What they think they know
Ambivalence generates discomfort for people, causing them to seek resolution of the feeling. People protect their attituted by employing a variety of strategies:
- Turn to habits and approaches that have served us well in the past
- Engage in selective perception
- Selectively recall
- Deny in the form of counterarguments geared to support and strengthen one’s position
Rather than interpreting mixed feelings as resistance, change leaders are better served by:
- Focusing on helping people make sense of the proposed changes
- Listening for information that may be helpful in achieving the change
- Constructively reconciling their ambivalence
- Sorting out what actions are now needed
What are causes of negative reactions to change?

The key question is not who is to blame, but rather….
What is happening,
why is it happening,
what does this tell us about what we should do now.
What is the psychological contract?
Represents the sum of the implicit and explicit agreements we believe we have with our organization. It defines our perceptions of the terms of our employment relationship and includes our expectations for ourselves and for the organization, including organizational norms, rights, rewards, and obligations
As such, they both influence and are influenced by the culture of the organization.
Changes that threaten our sense of security and control will produce:
- A loss of trust
- Fear
- Resentment
- Anger
Change occurs in three phases:
Before the change - Anticipation and anxiety phase
During the change - Shock, denial and retreat phase
After the change - Acceptance phase
Within the three phases 7 stages can be defined:
- Prechange anxiety
- Shock
- Defensive retreat
- Bargaining
- Depression and guilt, alienation
- Acknowledgement
- Adaptation of change

What is the survivor syndrome?
refers to the reaction of those who survive a poorly handled, traumatic change such as downsizing.
- Lower levels of job satisfaction, motivation, and orgnal loyality.
- Greater stress and ambiguity
- Vulnerability, entrapment, guilt
What are three factors that have an influence on hwo people adapt to change?
- Personality and eperience with the rate of change
- The reactions of coworkers and teammates
- Experience with and trust in leaders
What are some influencing personality factors?
- Susceptability to social influence of others
- Tolerance for risk and ambiguity
- Self-image
In what way does the environment and person influences the change?
Some function better in a stable environment and others like more turbulent situations.
Stable: low tolerance for turbulence and uncertainty
Turbulent: novelty and challenging is what they seek
What is ment by the Competency or Complacency trap?
The tendency to rely on competences and strategies that have worked in the past.
Model of experienced change and anticipated change
Illustrates the adaptability and resilience individuals do or do not have as a result of the previous rates and types of change within an organization.

The interaction of personality with the experience of change

Coworker influence (table)
Change leaders who ignore cohesion, norms, and varying levles of ambivilence do so at their own peril.

Skepticism can lead to:
cynism and heightened pessimism when people whose opinions we value share a similar negative belief.
The price: Reduces satisfaction, Organizational commitment, and motivation.
Ways to minimize and manage cynism about change?

Steps to minimize the negative effects of change?
- Engagement
- Timeliness
- Two-way communication
Strategies for coping with change?