Art. 3 Cawsey ch 8 Flashcards
Four types of change leaders are identified
- The developmental strategist
- The intuitive adapter
- The continuous improver
- The emotional champion
Which factors influence change agent succes?
The interplay of personal attributes:
- Person
- Vision
- Situation
Being a change agent = Person x Vision x Situation
What are exothermic and endothermic change situations?
Exothermic: Some situations invigorate and energize the change agent. Here energy is liberated by actions.
Endothermic: Situations that suck energy out of the change agent and seem to lead to a never ending series of meetings, obstacles, and issues that prevent a sense of progress. Change program consumes energy and arouses opposition, which in turn requires more energy from the change agent
What are the six essential characteristics for change leaders?
- commitment to improvement
- communication and interpersonal skills
- determination
- eyes on the prize and flexibility
- experience and networks
- intelligence
What are the three goupings of categories of change behavior?
- Framing behaviors: Behaviors oriented toward changing the sense of the situation, establishing starting points for change, designing the change journey, and communicating principles
- **Capacity-creating behaviors: **behaviours focused on creating the capacity for change by increasing individual and organizational capabilities and creating and communicating connections in the organization
- Shaping behaviors: Action that attempt to shape what people do by acting as a role model, holding others accountable, thinking about change, and focusing on individuals in the change process
Which two behaviors are more successful?
Framing change and building capacity,
compared to shaping change.
CA’s should shift from leader-centric/directive to facilitating/enabling.
According to Kouzes and Posner leaders who are adept at getting extraordinary things done know how to?
- challenge the process or the status quo
- inspire a shared sense of vision
- enable others to act
- model the way
- encourage the heart of those involved with the change
What are atributes of change leaders?
- Inspiring vision
- Entrepreneurship
- Integrity and honesty
- Learning from others
- Openness to new ideas
- Risk taking
- Adaptability and flexibility
- Creativity
- Experimentation
- Using power
What are attributes of change managers
- Empowering others
- Team building
- Learning from others
- Adaptability and flexibility
- Openness to new ideas
- Managing resistance
- Conflict resolution
- Networking
- Knowledge of the business
- Problem solving
What are the four rules of Bennis that enhance self development
- You are your own best teacher
- You accept responsibility and blame no one
- You can learn anything you want to learn
- True understanding comes from reflection on your experience
What is Appreciative inquiry (AI)?
The engagement of individuals in an organizational system in its renewal.
Through AI, people seek to find and understand the best in people, organizations, and the world by reflecting on past positive experiences and performance.
By framing positively, a different type of energy is found within the organization to move forward in the direction of change.
What are Miller’s four developmental stages of change leaders?
- Novice
- Junior
- Experienced
- Expert
first 3 go by observing others and studying. Last one requires living with a change project.

Change literature differentiates between…
Strategic or episodic change
followed by
Incremental or continuous change.
What is ment by episodic and continuous change?
Episodic change: Change that is “infrequent, discontinuous, and intentional”. Needs a prime mover change agent, one who creates change
Continuous change: Change that is “ongoing, involving and cumulative”. Needs a change agent who is a sense maker and able to redirect the organization.
Agendas of change agents can act in a ‘push’ and ‘pull’ way. What is ment by this?
- Pull actions by change agents create attractions or goals that draw willing organizational members to change and are characterized by organizational visions of higher-order purposes and strategies.
- Push actions are data based and factual and are communicated in ways that advance analytical thinking and reasoning and that push recipients’ thinking in new directions.
The four change agents types can be placed in a model.
Where, and what are the axes?

The emotional champion?
Has a clear and powerful vision of what the organization needs and uses theat vision to capture the hearts and motivations of the organization’s members.
- Is comfortable with ambiguity and risk
- thinks angentially and challenges accepted ways of doing things
- has strong intuitive abilities
- relies on feelings and emotions to influence others
The Developmental Strategist?
Applies rational analysis to understanding the competitive logic of the organization and how it no longer fits with the organization’s existing strategy.
- engages in big-picture thinking about strategic change and the fit between environment and the organization
- sees organizations in terms of systems and structures fintting into logical, integrated components that fit (or don’t) with environmental demands
- is comfortable with assessing risk and taking significant chances based on a thorough assessment of the situation
The Intuitive Adapter?
has the clear vision for the organization and uses that vision to reinforce a culture of learning and adaptation.
- embraces more moderate risks
- engages in a more limited search for solutions
- is comfortable with the current direction that the vision offers
- relies on intuition and emotion to persuade others to propel the organization forward through incremental changes
The Continuous Improver?
Analyzes micro environments and seeks changes such as re-engineering systems and processes.
- thinks logically and carefully about detailed processes and how they can be improved
- aims for possible gains and small wins rather than great leaps
- is systematic in his or her thinking while making careful gains.
What are the four different internal roles Hunsaker has identified?
- The catalyst
- The solution giver
- The process helper
- The resource linker
What are advantages of external change agents?
- Subject-matter expertise
- New/fresh perspective
- Inependent/external validation
A good change management team member is
- knowledgable about the business and enthusiastic about the change
- Posesses excellent oral and written communications skills and a willingness to listen and share
- Having total commitment to the projec, the process, and the results
- being able to remain open minded and visionary
- being respected within the organization as an apolitical catalyst for strategic change
What are the possible roles within a change team?
- Champion: will fight for the change under trying circumstances and will continue to persevere when others would have checked out and given up.
- steering team: Advices the champion and implementation team regarding the direction of the change
- design and implementation team: Plans the change, deals with stakeholders, and has primary responsibility for the implementation
- Change project manager
- Sponsors
What is the function of sponsors for change and in which three ways?
often senior executives who foster commitment to the change and assist those charged with making the change happen.
- Visible sponsorship
- Information sharing and knowledge development
- Provide protection
What is Oshry’s advice for those in the middle?
- Be top when you can and take responsibility for being top
- be bottom when you should
- be coach
- facilitate
- integrate with one another