Arrythymias Flashcards
What is a normal rythym (NSR) on an ECG
normal sinus rhythym: signal starts at SA node and follows regular route
there’s a P followed by a QRS followed by a T in a regular metronomic rhythm!
What is an arrythymia on ECG?
any change to rate, regularity or origin of electrical impulses!
What is sinus arrhythmia (NSA)?
There is a P for every QRS but the R-R interval (rate) varies!
It is a result of the SA node rate varying with respiration (incr. vagal tone)
usually considered normal!
What are the 2 types of arrythmias?
What is a wandering atrial pacemaker?
what does it result in?
Is it a problem?
What else can be noted?
when the P wave originates outside the SA node
it results in a P wave that varies in size and shape; the PR interval is varied also
No hemodynamic consequences so no Tx!
There can also be incr. vagal tone also.
What is sinus bradycardia?
When will you see CS
when there is a regular rhythym under 60-70 bpm for dogs, 100 bpm for cats
if there is >6-8 seconds between beats!
In which animals might you expect to see sinus arrhythmias
Fit dogs
Brachycephalic breeds
dogs with chronic bronchitis
during eye or abominal sx
What is pictured here?
How did it occur?
When will you see signs?
Sinus Arrest!
Failure of the SA node to fire for 1 or more beats
Can be same as for Sinus bradycardia
If no beats for >6 seconds!
What sp is sinus arrhythmias considered normal, in what sp not?
Tx required?
Normal in dogs
How do you Tx sinus bradycardia?
Remove the cause:
Correct the drug dose/use
Lower the potassium
Treat hypothyroid
Atropine/glycopyrrolate test:
if +ve (response seen when atro given) → look for vagal problems, if needed drug Tx: PREFFERED→terbutaline (ßagonist- mainly ß2, used as bronchodilator in lungs but will have some effect on ß2 on heart to increase rate)
isoproterenol(ß1 &2 agonist, will cause vasodilation & BP problems)
isopropamide/probanthine- not so much used anymore
if -ve → pacemaker is indicated if clinical!
What bradyrrythmia is pictured here?
When does it occur?
What is the rate in a cat?
Junctional (nodal)/ventricular escape beat
It is heart’s Plan B & C respectively for regulating rate, if the SA node does not generate an signal then the junctional nodes first try to generate a signal and if that doesn’t work the ventricles generate their own signal.
A junctional (nodal) escape beat QRS will have more of a normal morphology but no P wave. (since it is using the Bundle of His for conduction) & 40-60 bpm
A ventricular escape beat QRS will have a wide/bizzare morphology & 20-40 bpm
80-100 bpm
What diagnostic test may be needed to dx escape beats?
A Holter/cardiac event monitor
positive chronotropes or pacemaker
What electrolyte can cause a bradyrrhythmia?
What can cause ______?
Hyperkalemia can be caused by renal failure, ATE (aortic thromboembolism- HCM in cats), hypoadrenocorticism, crush injury (due to sudden release of K from damaged cells)
What is the progression of ECG signs in hyperkalemia?
What is the ultimate result of hyperkalemia on heart?
Bradycardia with increase in size of T wave (should only be 1/4 of R for dogs, 1/3 for cats) and spike instead of mound, then P waves disappear, then QRS becomes strange & bizzare & sinusoidal in shape.
Fibrillation ⇒ DEATH!
Tx for hyperkalemia
fluids, furosemide, insulin (glucose better!), bicarb if acidosis present, Ca gluconate (cardioprotective)
What is AV block
a delay or failure of transmission at the AV node
There are multiple levels of AV block!
What is this arrythmia pictured here?
1° AV block
the signal coming from SA node to AV node is delayed but still gets there
PR interval >0.13 sec
norm = 6.5 boxes
What is this arrythmia pictured here?
2° AV block - intermittent failure conduction of the SA signal to the AV node
2 subtypes Mobitz type I & Mobitz type II
This is Mobitz type I: the PR interval gets longer until the QRS gets dropped
Caused by incr. vagal tone or drugs (digoxin)
What is this arrythmia pictured here?
2° AV block Mobitz type II: no PR changes before dropped QRS
this is usually due to node dz not incr vagal tone so chances of incr serverity of dz high.
What is this special AV block arrythmia pictured here?
This is a High Grade AV block. In reality since the block happens every other beat you cant tell if is a Mobitz Type I or II but it is more serious than regular Type II!
Nodal dz
What is the ratio designation seen on 2° AV blocks Mobitz Type II such as:
6: 4
2: 1
3: 1
the designation represents the number of P waves to QRS complexes seen, since the 2° AV blocks tend to occur cyclically!
6: 4 means for every 6 P waves there are 4 QRS complexes in the cycle
2: 1 means for every 2 P waves there is 1 QRS complex.
What is this arrythmia pictured here?
3° AV block - no AV conduction at all!
there are P waves and escape beats only!
the escape beats can be either junctional or ventricular
The P waves are regular at the norm rate (80 or so) and the junctional or ventricular beats are regular at their norm rate (40-60, 20-40 respectively)