Character is essential to successful leadership. What are the three major factors that determine a leader’s character?
- Army Values
- Empathy
- Warrior Ethos
What are the team building stages?
- Formation
- Enrichment
- Sustainment
Name some things in a unit that affect morale
Military justice
To assess subordinates, leaders you must…
Observe and record subordinates’ performance in the core leader competencies.
Determine if the performances meet, exceed, or fall below expected standards.
Tell subordinates what was observed and give an opportunity to comment.
Help subordinates develop an individual development plan (IDP) to improve performance.
Name the two barriers of communications
- Physical
- Psychological
Name some physical barriers of communication
- Noise of battle
- Distance
What are intended and unintended consequences?
- Intended consequences are the anticipated results of a leader’s decisions and actions.
- Unintended consequences arise from unplanned events that affect the organization or accomplishment of the
What is confidence?
Projecting self-confidence and certainty in the unit’s ability to succeed in whatever it does; able to demonstrate
composure and outward calm through steady control over emotion.
What is military bearing?
Projecting a commanding presence, a professional image of authority.
A leader’s effectiveness is dramatically enhanced by understanding and developing what areas?
- Military Bearing
- Physical Fitness
- Confidence
- Resilience
What is resilience?
Showing a tendency to recover quickly from setbacks, shock, injuries, adversity, and stress while maintaining a
mission and organizational focus.
What is physical fitness?
Having sound health, strength, and endurance, which sustain emotional health and conceptual abilities under prolonged
What does FM 7-0 cover?
Training the force
What does FM 6-22 cover?
Army Leadership (Competent, Confident and Agile)