Area Canvas Flashcards
What are the main objectives of an area canvas?
- offender
- evidence
- witnesses
- Gathering information
What are other benefits of an area canvas?
- Sightings of the victim or offender before or after the event
- Sightings of relevant property or vehicles
- Sightings of potential witnesses
- Creating the opportunity for an early arrest
- Obtaining key information
What might your appreciation process include in regards to an area canvas?
- The reasons the enquiries were made
- Locations involved
- Questions asked
- Staff involved
- Records kept
What is the key to effective management of an area canvas?
Planning and foresight
Examples of areas you may area canvas?
- Sites where the victims, offenders or witnesses have been present
- Sites where offences have taken place
- Sites where vehicles, property or exhibits have been found
What should your risk assessment include when planning an area canvas?
- Violent offenders
- Persons wanted by Police
- Groups with cultural needs
- Local issues
What should time parameters be set for regarding an area canvas?
- the offence
- the scene (times when people visited)
- sightings
- previous residents
Examples of what a witness might have seen?
- events connected to incident
- sightings of the victim or offender
- sightings of other potential witness
- sightings of relevant property
What should you advise staff on for an area canvas brief?
- What action to take if they ID a suspect
- What action to take if they locate evidence
- What action to take if individuals refuse to assist
- What information to be disclosed
- What information must not be disclosed
Why should the O/C area canvas continually review completed canvas’?
- Evaluate the quality of completed work
- ID lines of enquiry
- Monitor ongoing progress
- Facilitate recording
What should the master record of an area canvas show?
- Which addresses have been visited
- Which occupants interviewed
- The documentation completed
- Any relevant comments
Points to consider which may aid an area canvas:
- Use of experts
- Use of an aide memoir
- Leaflets
- Media
- High profile police presence
What should be included in the final report?
- Summary of action taken
- Any significant findings
When should an area canvas be completed?
An initial area canvas should be completed when Police first attend the incident.
A formal canvas should follow and re-visits are often required.
How to manage people at the scene to take control:
- Take control
- Exercise warrantless powers if appropriate
- Clear the scene of persons
- ID and locate complainant
Responsibilities of the O/C area enquiries:
- Reports to O/C investigation
- Ensure canvas is conducted thoroughly
- Ensure the canvas team remains focused and uses resources efficiently
What is the purpose of the O/Cs attending scene prior to setting parameters of area canvas?
- Make a reconnaissance of the area
- Conduct an appreciation
What should an area canvas strategy address?
- Objective
- Location and time parameters
- Risk assessment
- ID suspect
- ID witnesses
- Resources