Arch 1301 - Concepts Flashcards
The process to preserve the body. The ka of an important person especially the pharaoh, was to be prepared for the afterlife so that they won’t wander unsatisfied. The construction of tombs helped house the items and body.
Winter Solstice
Shortest day of the year.
Summer Solstice
associated with Stonehenge at sunrise. it was a tool for observing the solstices. Longest day of the year.
the belief in or worship of more than one god.
Gallery Grave
Essentially, the gallery grave is an elongated version of the single-chamber tom. Burials were made along the tomb’s walls, which may run parallel or to a narrow V
Single Chamber Tomb
simple structure has 4 stones for walls and one slab for a roof. Other single-chamber tombs may be circular or many-sided but all have small interiors, seldom 7 fee across
Passage Grave
combining the single chamber and gallery grave, the passage grave has a burial chamber, usually round, and a long corridor leading to it. In many such tombs the walls of the chamber section were built of overlapping stones tapering to form a domed ceiling. The chamber resembles some dwellings and may represent an attempt to provide the dead with a permanent home.