Aquifer 4 Flashcards
In a pap test, the ___ is rotated several times to obtain a sample from the ___. The ___ is inserted into the os and rotated 180 degrees to obtain a sample from the ___.
Spatula; ectocervix; cytobrush; endocervix
Women older than ___ years who have had adequate screening within the last ___ years may choose to stop cervical cancer screening. What is adequate screening?
65; 10; 3 consecutive normal pap tests with cytology alone or 2 normal pap tests if combined with HPV
When should an immunization be withheld temporarily?
Moderate to severe illness (high fever, otitis, diarrhea, vomiting); do not withhold in patients with recent exposures to infectious diseases or patients who have a mild lilness
Average age of reaching menopause? Range?
Average - 52; Range - 40-60
Hallmark of perimenopause?
Menstrual irregularity
Most common symptoms of perimenopause/menopause?
Hot flashes/vasomotor symptoms
Define full weight-bearing?
Ability to take 4 steps independently
When is hearing a snap or tear diagnostically significant for an acute injury?
Acute knee injury (NOT acute ankle injury)
Most common mechanism of injury of ankle sprains?
Combination of plantar flexion and inversion (lateral sprain)
Why are medial ankle sprains less common than lateral ankle sprains?
Bony articulation between the medial malleolus and the talus
Most frequently damaged ligaments in ankle sprains?
Lateral stabilizing ligaments
What is the most easily injured ligament in the ankle?
Anterior talofibular ligament (posterior is the strongest of the lateral complex and rarely injured in an inversion sprain)
What does the anterior drawer test assess?
Integrity of the anterior talofibular ligament
What does the inversion stress test assess?
Integrity of the calcaneofibular ligament
What does the cross-leged test assess?
High ankle sprains (syndesmotic injury between tibia and fibula)
DDx - acute ankle pain following inversion injury
Most likely - lateral ankle sprain, peroneal tendon tear, fibular fracture, talar dome fracture, subtalar dislocation
Less likely - medial ankle sprain, syndesmotic sprain, tibial fracture, arthritis
Lateral ankle sprain presentation
Acute, after trauma, pain, warmth, some swelling, NO deformity
What is typically due to an inversion injury and may occur in conjunction with a lateral ankle sprain?
Peroneal tendon tear
Peroneal tendon tear presentation
Persistent pain posterior to the lateral malleolus +/- swelling
Fibular fracture presentation
Usually due to a fall, athletic injury, or high velocity injury; severe pain, swelling, inability to ambulate, deformity
Typical cause of medial ankle injury? Ligament injured?
Forced eversion; deltoid ligament
Syndesmotic sprain presentation?
Pain and disability are often out of proportion to the injury; positive ankle squeeze test
Grade I ankle sprain
Stretching and/or a small tear of a ligament
Mild tenderness/swelling
Slight to no functional loss
No mechanical instability
No excessive stretching or opening of the joint with stress
Grade II ankle sprain
Incomplete tear
Tenderness over involved structures, mild to moderate pain, swelling, ecchymosis
Moderate functional impairment;
Mild to moderate instability
Stretching of the joint with stress but with a definite stopping point