Apuleius 2.1.3-5 grammar Flashcards
give the principal parts of transferō: to change, transform
transferō tranferre transtulī translatum
give the principal parts of durō: to harden
durō durāre durāvī durātum
give the principal parts of incēdo: to walk
incēdo incēdere incessī
give the principal parts of loquor: to speak
loquor loquī locūtus
give the principal parts of dīcō: to say
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictum
give the principal parts of veniō: to come
veniō venīre vēnī ventum
conjugate tegō in the imperfect active subjunctive singular
tegerem tegerēs tegeret
conjugate tegō in the imperfect active subjunctive plural
tegerēmus tegerētis tegerent
give the present active, perfect passive, and future active participles of amō
amāns, amantis; amātus a um; amātūrus a um
give the present active, perfect passive, and future active participles of moneō
monēns, monentis; monitus a um; monitūrus a um
give the present active, perfect passive, and future active participles of tegō
tegēns, tegentis; tēctus a um; tēctūrus a um
give the present active, perfect passive, and future active participles of audiō
audiēns, audientis; audītus a um; audītūrus a um
give the present active, perfect passive, and future active participles of capiō
capiēns, capientis; captus a um; captūrus a um