APS : General Principle A Flashcards
What is General Principle A?
- Respect for the rights and dignity of people and peoples
General Principle A protects and promotes what 7 rights?
- Autonomy, justice, human, legal, moral rights
- Right to linguistically and culturally appropriate services
- Right to be treated fairly without discrimination or favouritism
General Principle A recognizes what 2 things?
1) power they hold over people
2) importance of people’s privacy and confidentiality, physical and personal integrity
Avoid discriminating unfairly (basis of age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity, gender, disability)
Understanding consequences for people of unfair discrimination and stereotyping
Assist clients to address unfair discrimination or prejudice
A.2.1 (a, b, c, d)
a) Communicate respect via language and actions
b) Do not behave in coercive / demeaning manner
c) respect legal and moral rights
d) Don’t engage in conduct that demeans, defames, harass clients
Act with due regard for the needs, special competencies and obligations of their colleagues AND OTHER professions
When have cause to disagree with colleague..
Refrain from making intemperate criticism
review / comment on qualifications/competencies/ work of a colleague…
respectfully and objectively
Respect _____ + _____ ______ of reviewed grants + proposals
Confidentiality and propriety rights
Informed consent
Fully inform clients about psych services intended to provide
Provide info using plain language
A.3.3 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
a) explain nature and purpose of procedures
b) clarify reasonably foreseeable risks, adverse effects, possible disadvantages of services
c) how info will be collected + recorded
d) info storage (where, how, how long) + access
e) may participate, decline, withdraw
f) reasonably foreseeable consequences if decline / withdraw
g) freq, expected duration, financial + administrative basis of services
h) limits to confidentiality
I) conditions services may be terminated
j) other relevant info
Consent is not required because (a, b)
a) permitted by law
b) ethics committee waived it
Procedures with physical contact
Obtain + document informed consent prior
Impaired / limited capacity to give consent
Consent of people with legal authority to act on behalf of client
A.4 (a, b)
Avoid undue invasion of privacy
a) only relevant info collected
b) not require supervisees/trainees disclose personal info (unless it’s expected + consented)
A.5.1 (a, b)
Safeguard confidentiality of info
a) make provisions for this in collection, recording, accessing, storage, dissemination, and
disposal of info
b) take reasonable steps to protect this after leaving specific work setting
A.5.2 (a, b, c, d)
Disclose confidential info only when..
a) Consent of client / legal authority
b) legal obligation
c) reasonably believe it’s necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety
d) consulting: conceal identity + obtain consent
A.5.3 (a, b)
inform outset of therapy..
a) limits of confidentiality
b) foreseeable uses of info
Only disclose necessary info to people required to have that info
A.5.5 (a, b, c)
Use info for a purpose other than the primary purpose when…
a) consent given
b) info is de-identified + used in approved research
c) required / authorized by law
A.6: Release of info to clients
Do not refuse…
any reasonable request from clients, or former clients, to access client info
Collection of client info from associated parties
Prior to collecting info…
consent is obtained by client
If the capacity to give informed consent is limited
obtain the informed consent of people with legal authority to act on behalf of the client
Client’s consent for obtaining info FROM associated party is informed by
(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
a) identify sources they intend to collect info
b) explain nature and purpose of info
c) how info will be collected
d) storage + access
e) may decline /withdraw request
f) reasonably foreseeable
consequences would be if they decline consent
g) associated party’s right to + limits of confidentiality
h) any other relevant info
A.7.5 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
Associated party’s consent for collecting info about the client includes…
a) evidence client has given consent
b) nature and purpose of info
c) how info will be collected
d) storage + access to info
e) may withdraw consent
f) reasonably foreseeable
consequences would be if they withdraw
g) associated party’s right to + limits of confidentiality
h) any other relevant info