Apr exam - Chpt 12 Flashcards
Compare different transportation modes
Describe differences and similarities between logistics, distribution, and supply chain
p. 28
Supply chain - complete sequence of suppliers to create good/service and deliver to business user or final consumer
Logistics - coordination among supply chain members
Describe channel decisions
Distribution Intensity p. 27
- Intensive - in nearly every available outlet
- Selective - limited number of distributors
- Exclusive - limits coverage to specific geography
Describe types of retail locations
How do retailers compete?
p. 26
- ID target market
- Select Product Strategy and Customer Svc Strategy
- Select Pricing Strategy
- Choose location
- Promotion strategy
- Create store atmosphere
History of retailing
Describe marketing intermediaries such as wholesalers, retailers, and nonstore retailing
Wholesalers can be independent or manufacturer owned. Sell to retailers, other wholesalers or business users pp 22-23
Retailers - sells good/service to end user. Either via store or nonstore
Nonstore p 25
Internet Auto merchandising (vending machine)
Direct response - catalog, telemarketing, print or TV ad
Direct selling - Amway, Avon, Herbalife, Tupperware
Describe the relationship between manufacturers, market intermediaries, and customers
Used for inexpensive products sold to thousands of consumers in widely scattered locations.
- lowers cost of goods to consumers
Describe a distribution strategy
p. 18 Decisions made about:
- marketing activities
- channels to use (retailers and wholesalers)
Why are labelling and packaging important?
Packaging - durability, image, convenience, cost and identification
Labelling - must meet legal requirements of market. UPC - Universal Product Code read by scanner
What is brand equity? Brand loyalty? Differences between them?
Brand equity - added value of respected & successful name. Product is first one to come to mind
Brand loyalty has levels:
Recognition - aware of brand but not preferred
Preference - chosen over a competitor
Insistence - brand sought out and no substitute accepted
What are brand categories?
- Manufacturer - Nike, Cheerios, Tide
- Private/Store - Safeway or Costco brand
- Family Brand - Axe shampoo/deodorant/cologne
- Individual- each product in line is distinct - Tide, Cheer and Dash detergents all made by one producer
Describe stages of product development
p 12 slide
How is the product life cycle related to marketing strategy?
Marketing tries to extend life cycle as long as it is profitable.
- increase frequency of use
- add new users
- find new uses for product
- change package size, label and design
Describe product life cycle and how profits change during the cycle
4 stages - Intro- Growth- Mature - Decline
Intro - spend to promote demand
Growth - Sales climb and profits build
Mature - Sales saturate and expanding profits tough
Decline - sales and profits fall
Describe product mix and product lines
Product line- related products. Similar physically or intended market Coca Cola, 7-Up
Product mix - assortment of product LINES a firm offers to consumers and business users Soft drinks, juices, and energy drinks.
How are services different than goods?
- Intangible
- Perishable
- Difficult to standardize
- Provider is the service
What are business goods and how are they classified?
Capital vs Expense items used by businesses
- Supplies
- Raw materials
- Component parts
- Accessories
- Installations, buildings, etc
What are product categories? What do they mean?
Convenience - buy often w/o much thought. Soap, toothpaste, etc.
Shopping - Price, quality, & value considered before purchase. Heavy advertising
Specialty - Strong brand identity–> Sony, Nike, Apple, Mercedes
Unsought - Batteries, life insurance. Must convince consumer of need.