Approaches to soil + mehtods Flashcards
What is amplicon sequencing?
- Targeted approach: requires primers that select for a certain part of the genome
- Most commonly used based on 16S rRNA (bacteria) and for fungi 18S or ITS region
- Gives in-depth taxonomic identification of your bacteria;l or fungal community. If you want both bacteria and fungi everything has to be done twice.
What are advantages of amplicon sequencing?
- Good for taxonomy (diversity metrics)
- Knowing who is present
- Much less bioinformatics compared to more advanced techniques
What are disadvantages of amplicon sequencing?
- Primers are biased
- Dosen’t provide any functional information
- Identified species may not be active (DNA can be old or associated with dormant bacteria)
What is the difference between amplicon and metagenomics?
- Less computational
- More samples per run
- Deeper reader- longer DNA fragments characterize down to species easier
- Highly computational
- More expensive
- Shallow reads (smaller gene fragments) so taxa identification is more challenging
- Less biased
- Get all genes (including functional ones)
What is cellular lipid analysis?
- Microbes have distinct phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) in their cell memebrane that can be used to classify microbes into coarse groups
Can obtain quantitative and relative abundance (bacteria and fungi)
What are advantages of PLFAs?
some taxonomic resolution
Can be coupled with 13C assays to trace substrate use
Good approach for obtaining fungal: bacterial rations and biomass
What are some disadvantages of PLFAs?
- Limited resolution
- Dead-end
- Labor intensive (8-12 samples in 3 days) and expensive
What are methods to measure abundance?
- Plate counts
- Total microbial biomass : from extractions. Most common for sol scientists
- PLFA and q PCR (seperate fungal and bacteria abundances)
What are methods to know total microbial biomass?
- direct count
- ## Chloroform-fumigation direct extraction (commonly used, relatively easy to use)
What are functional assays?
Use when you want to know what an organism, population, community is doing to contribute to an ecosystemservice of concern.
What are examples of functional assays?
- Decomposition
- Mineralization (CO2 respiration), Nitrogen mineralization
- Enzymes
- Growth rates
- Stable isotop probing
What are tools to assess microbial activity in the field (respiration and GHG production=> CO2, N2O, CH4)?
- Manual gas sampling
- Automoatic chambers
- Eddy-covariance flux towers