Approaches Comparison Flashcards
Biological approach- nature vs nurture
The approach argues that behaviour is determined by genes which we are born with
Biological approach- reductionism vs Hollism
Biological reductionism- the approach reduces behaviour to biological structures and processes
Biological approach- ideographic vs nomothetic
Nomothetic- the approach suggests that humans share similar physiology and that we can make universal laws regarding behaviour
Biological approach- scientific
The approach promotes scientific methods of investigation
Biological approach- real world applications
The approach has led to the development of drug therapies to treat disorders such as OCD
Behaviourist approach- free will vs determinism the approach suggests that behaviour is determined by stimulus response conditioning
Environmental determinism
Behaviourist approach- nature vs nurture
Nurture- the approach argues that humans are born as blank slates and behaviour is learnt
Behaviourist approach- reductionism vs Hollism
Environment reductionism- the approach reduces behaviour to simple stimulus response associations
Behaviourist approach- idiographic vs nomothetic
Nomothetic p- the approach creates general laws of behaviour
The behaviourist approach- scientific
Scientific- the behaviourist approach uses scientific methods to investigate concepts such as classical conditioning
Behavourist approach- real world applications
The approach has led to the development of treatments such as systematic desensitisation
Social learning theory- free will vs determinism
Determinism- it acknowledges the role of environmental forces by suggests humans have some free will
Social learning theory- nature vs nurture
Nurture- behaviour is learnt
Social learning theory- idiographic vs nomothetic
Nomothetic- aims to establish general laws of behaviour
Social learning theory- scientific
Mostly scientific- used scientific method of investigations which the researcher can replicate
Social learning theory- real world applications
Is able to explain disorders such as aggression
Cognitive approach- free will vs determinism
Suggests that behaviour is the result of mediation all processes, however humans can choose what information that can attend to
Cognitive approach- nature vs nurture
Both- suggests that information processing is modified as a result of experience
Cognitive approach- reductionism vs Holism
Environmental reductionism- studies cognitive processes in isolation
Cognitive approach- idiographic vs nomothetic
Nomothetic- the approach uses approaches to establish general laws of cognitive processing. However, case studies are sometimes used
Cognitive approach - scientific
Mostly scientific- uses scientific nethods of investigation. However, researchers are unable to directly observe cognitive processes
Cognitive approach- real world application
Led to the development of treatments such as CBT. Also helped the accuracy and reliability of EWT
Psychodynamic approach- free will vs determinism
Physic determinism- behaviour is determined by unconscious drives and early childhood experiences
Psychodynamic approach- nature vs nurture
Mostly nature- behaviour is caused by innate drives although childhood experiences also shape our behaviour
Psychodynamic approach- reductionism and Holism
Both- creates general laws about innate drives but also takes into account the unique experiences of childhood
Psychodynamic approach- scientific
Not scientific - uses many con dos which can’t be empirically tested
Psychodynamic approach- real world applications
Led to the development of treatments such as psychoanalysis
Humanistic appraoc- free will vs determinism
Free will- humans control their own environment and are capable of change
Humanist approach- nature vs nurture
Mostly nurture- argues that humans have an innate drive to self actualise, however the environment and our experiences shape this journey
Humanistic approach- idiographic vs nomothetic
Idiographic- focuses on human experience and makes no attempt to generalise
Humanistic approach- scientific
Not scientific- the approach rejects scientific methods
Humanistic approach- real world application
Led to the development of client centred therapy
Biological approach free will vs determinism
Biological determinism- the approach suggests that behaviour is controlled by factors such as genes and hormones