Approaches Flashcards
Name the 5 approaches
- Behaviouralism
- Social learning theory
- biological
- cognitive
- psychodynamic
Name examples of psychologists for behaviourism
Pavlov - classical conditioning
Skinner - operant conditioning
Watson - Little Albert
Name examples of psychologists for social learning theory
Bandura - Bobo doll
Name examples of psychologists for cognitive
Bartlett - schemas
Name examples of psychologists for the psychodynamic approach
Freud - conscious + unconscious, psychosexual stages, defence mechanisms
Name the assumptions of the Behaviourism approach
- we are born a blank slate
- free will is an illusion
- everything is learnt
Name the assumptions of the Social learning theory
- behaviour can be learnt
- memory perception (cog)
Name the assumptions of the Biological approach
- everything psychological is at first biological
- investigates how biological structures and processes within the body impact behaviour
- human behaviour has a physiological Cayuse that can be altered by genetics o the environment
- psychologists should study the brain, nervous system and other biological systems
- the mind lives in the brain
Name the assumptions of the cognitive approach
- our mental systems have a limited capacity. The amount of information that can be processed will be influenced by how demanding the task is and how much other information is processed
- A control mechanism oversees all mental processes, this will require more processing power for new tasks, leaving less available for anything else
- There is two way flow of information we take in information from the world, process it and react to it. We also use our knowledge and experiments to understand the world
Name the assumptions of the psychodynamic approach
- States that unconscious forces in our mind, determine our thoughts feelings and behaviour
- Our behaviour as adults is strongly influences by our childhood experiences
- Abnormal behaviour is the result of mental conflict
- The mind can be divided into three levels of consciousness.The unconscious mind which is hidden below the surface, has the most influence on our personality
Positive evaluation of the behaviourist approach
+ scientific - the experiments are done in a lab
+ real life application - token economy,
+ successful in treating phobias - little Albert
negative evaluation of the behaviourist approach
- we cannot compare humans and animals. Animals are seen as passive and machine like responders to their environment.
- lacks ecological validity - only used lab experiments
- Determinism
- reductionist
- ethics animals
Positive evaluation of the social learning theory
- Akers - the probability of someone engaging in criminal activity increases when they are exposed to models who commit crime. They expect positive consequences for criminal behaviour
- less determined
- gender- the Bobo doll experiment used boys and girls
Negative evaluation of the social learning theory
- classical nor operant conditioning can offer an adequate account of learning on their own
- does not take into account individual differences
Positive evaluation of the biological approach
- it is scientific so uses scientific methods e.g. fMRIs, EEGs, twin studies
- Scientific approach tends credence to study psychology ( makes it more respected as a science )
- Impact of biology on behaviour can lead to treatment and intervention to those suffering
- Understanding how the abnormal brain works can shed light on normal brain functioning
- Measurements can be objective as it can be performed by machines which have no vested interest in the outcome