Approaches Flashcards
Origins of psychology- Wundt and introspection
-Wundt established first psychology lab in Leipzig Germany 1879
-aim was to describe nature of human consciousness in a controlled environment
-standardised instructions given to all pps, and stimuli presented in same order
-e.g. ticking metronome, and record thoights images and sensations
-led to identifying the structure of consciousness in 3 parts; thoughts, images, sensations
-marked beginning of scientific psychology and separated it from philosophical roots
Origins of psychology- Emergence of psychology as a science
-1900s, Watson (1913) said introspection was subjective, according to behaviourists scientific psychology should only study things which can be observed and measured
-1930s, Skinner (1953) brought language and rigour of science in to psychology, lab studies dominated psychology for 50 years
-1950s, cognitive approach studied mental processes scientifically, likened mind to computer to test predictions about memory
-1980s, biological psychologists took advantage of advances in tech using fMRI, EEG and advanced genetic research to record brain activity
what is the behaviourist approach
-focuses on observable behaviour only, not mental processes and rejects introspection
-suggest processes are same in all species so use animals for experiments
Behaviourist approach- classical conditioning
-Pavlovs research
-learning through association
-conditioned dogs to salivate at bell ringing
before conditioning=
-ucs(food) ucr(saliavtion) ns(bell)
-bell and food occur same time
after conditoning
cs(bell) cr(salivation)
Behaviourist approach- operant conditioning
-skinners research
-refers to learning as an active process
-behaviour is shaped and maintained by its consequences
-rats and pigeons in skinners box
-rat activated lever or pigeon pecked disc + was rewarded with food pellet
-desirable consequence led to repeated behaviour
behaviourist approach- 3 types of consequences of behaviour
- positive reinforcement- reward for behaviour
- negative reinforcement- avoiding something unpleasent when behaviour is performed
- punishment- unpleasent consequence of behaviour
key features of social learning theory
-Albert Bandure agreed with behaviourist approach that learning occurs through experience
-vicarious reinforcement= behaviour seen to be rewarded more likely to be repeated
-4 processes in learning=
3.motor reproduction
4. motivation
-people more likely to imitate behaviour of those they identify with or rold model
social learning theory- Banduras research
procedure Bandura et al (1961)
-kids watched aggressive adult and non aggressive adult to doll
Bandure + Walters (1963)
-kids watched adult rewarded punished or no consequence
-kids who seen aggression were aggressive
-kids who seen this rewarded were more aggressive
-more likely to copy adults
-proof of vr
The cognitive approach
-mental processes should be studied
-mental processes private so assumptions made by behaviour
-schemas are packages of info from experience, act as mental framework and get more developed over time
-computer models used to imitate mind to test ideas of info processing
-advances in brain scanning led to describing neurological basis of mental processing
-led to episodic and semantic memory being linked to diff sides of prefrontal cortex (Tulving et al 1994)
-disorders such as OCD
The biological approach- neurochemical and genetic basis of behaviour
-bio approach says mind lives in brain meaning all thoughts feelings and behaviour have a physical basis
-imbalance of neurotransmitters may cause mental disorder e.g. lack of serotonin in OCD
-psychological characteristics such as intelligence are inherited
-twins used to study this
-higher concordance rated in identical twins evidence of genetic basis
The biological approach- difference between genotype and phenotype
-genotype is actual genetic make up
-phenotype is the way genes are expressed through physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics
-phenotype is influenced by environmental characteristics
The biological approach- theory of evolution in explaining behaviour
- Darwin (1859) proposed theory of natural selection
-genetic behaviour that enhances survival will be passed on - e.g. attachment behaviours in newborns promote survival
The psychodynamic approach- unconscious mind
-unconscious mind influences behaviour
-sigmeund freud suggested mind is made up of;
1. conscious- what we are aware of
2. preconscious- thoughts we become aware of through dreams and slip of tongue
3. unconscious- biological drives and instincts that influence behaviour
The psychodynamic approach- tripartite structure of personality
1. Id- operated on pleasure principle, demands gratification
2. Ego- works on reality principle, mediated between id and superego
2. superego- internalised sense of right and wrong, based on morality
The psychodynamic approach- 5 psychosexual stages
any conflict unresolved leaves child stuck and carries on to adulthood -Oral (0-1)pleasure focus= mouth, desire mothers breast
-Anal (1-3)pleasure focus=anus, withold and eliminate faeces
-Phallic (3-6)pleasure focus= genitals
-latency=earlier conflicts repressed
-Gential (puberty)-sexual desires become conscious