Approach to Urinary Tract Problems and Liver Disease in Cows Flashcards
Urinary Disease Clinical Signs in cattle
Non-specific – weight loss, D+, (abdominal pain – arch back, paddling feet, rolling, grunting)
Specific – enlarged kidney on rectal, abnormal urine (pus, blood), stranguria (straining), dysuria (painful), pollakuria (increased), crystals on prepuce (can be normal), urine scalding
PUPD hard to assess
Which kidney to you palpate when during a cattle rectal palpation
palpate LEFT kidney sub-lumbar/midline and bladder in ventral abd (if full)
Feel for enlargement, pain, change in texture
Suggest ways to get urine sample in cattle
Free catch (esp when get up)
Stimulation ventral to vulva (DON’T HOLD TAIL!)
Urethral Catheterisation
pH of urine of normal cow
7-8 more alkaline than most species
Causes of Pyelonephritis in cattle
Sporadic pyelonephritis in animals is often caused by bacteria like Corynebacterium renale (aerobe) or Escherichia coli, transmitted through carriers, contaminated environments, or ascending routes from the uterus or neonatal infections.
Clinical signs of pyelonephritis in cattle
ill thrift, intermittent pyrexia, abdominal pain, enlarged kidney on rectal, pus/blood visible in urine
Diagnosis of pyelonephritis in cattle
Urinalysis – leukocytes, haematuria, protein
Ultrasound scan - abnormal
Treatment of pyelonephritis in cattle
3-week course broad spec abs that is excreted via urine and not nephrotoxic (amoxy clav or TMPS)
What antibiotic is toxic to the kidney
Not aminoglycosides i.e. Pen Strep
Clinical signs of amyloidosis in cattle
ill thrift, frothy urine, enlarged kidney, d+, oedema (low albumin)
Diagnosis of amyloidosis in cattle
Urinalysis - protein ++, low SG (no blood or WBC)
Biochem - hypoalbuminaemia, hyperglobulinaemia
Treatment of amyloidosis
Urolithiasis - site of infection in cattle
Sigmoid flexure, diverticulum
Urolithiasis is most common in what kind of cattle
Mainly castrated young bulls/tups (and goats)
Associated with
high Ca or concentrate diet (show animals)
restricted water
nidus of inflammatory cells
Treatment of urolithiasis
Surgical treatment
NSAID and local via pudendal nerve block to straighten sigmoid flexure
Smooth muscle relaxant- Clenbuterol
Sedation - ACP, Xylazine
Broad spectrum antibiotic for secondary cystitis and NSAID for pain
How to prevent urolithiasis from forming in cattle
Balancing Ca:P = 1.5-2:1
Feeding ammonium chloride to increase acidity (for struvite or calcium carbonate)
Free access to water or salt licks to encourage water intake
Clinical signs of cystisis in cattle
Similar to pyelonephritis