Approach To Renal Complaint Flashcards
What is proteinuria?*
Protein in the urine
What is glucosuria?
Glucose in the urine
What is hematuria?
Blood in the urine
What is albuminuria?
Albumin in the urine
What is dysuria?
Painful urination
What is polyuria?
Frequent urination
What is GFR?
Glomerular filtration rate
What is CrCl?
Creatinine clearance
What is AKI?
Acute kidney injury
Impairment of renal filtration and excretory function over days to weeks that results in retention of nitrogenous and other waste products, normally cleared by the kidney
Clinical diagnosis not a structural injury to kidney
What is CKD?
Chronic kidney disease
What is ESRD?
End stage renal disease
What is uremia?
Elevated levels of BUN
What is blood urea nitrogen (BUN)?
Urea nitrogen is a waste product created when the liver breaks down proteins
Urea nitrogen travels from the liver to kidneys and is excreted as waste product
BUN is a blood test that allows clinicians to gauge kidney function
What is creatinine?
Waste product of muscle breakdown
Created constantly and properly functioning kidneys excrete this waste product
Cr is a blood test that allows clinicians to gauge kidney function
What is tested in a basic metabolic panel?
Na, K, Cl, HCO3, BUN, Cr, glucose
What is tested in a comprehensive metabolic panel?
BMP + liver function tests (AST, ALT, Alkphos, total bilirubin, T protein, albumin)
What’s included in a urinalysis?
Specific gravity (tests urine concentration), pH, protein, glucose, blood, bilirubin, nitrites, leukocytes
What is urine microscopy?
Looking at urine under the microscope for urine casts/sediment to aid in clinical diagnosis
AKI may progress to chronic kidney disease if the renal dysfunction is not resolved in how long?*
3 months
What are the major risk factors for AKI?
Old age, CKD, HTN, DM, exposure to nephrotoxins (NSAIDs, Abx), fluid overload, trauma, malignancy and sepsis
What are the 3 categories of AKI?
Pre-renal AKI (insult/injury occurring before kidney - ex. hypotension) Intrinsic AKI (injury occurring at the level of kidney - ex. Glomerulonephritis) Post-renal AKI (injury occurring down stream to/after the kidney - ex. Bladder outlet obstruction)
Describe a clinical scenario for pre-renal AKI
History of fluid loss or poor fluid intake? (Vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhage)
History of decreased effective circulatory volume? (Heart failure)
History of new or chronic use of medications? (NSAIDs, BP meds)
PE finding of volume depletion (dry mucous membranes, tachycardia, hypotension and poor skin turgor)
Describe a clinical scenario for intrinsic AKI
History of CKD, DM, HTN? History of recent URI? New meds? (Abx, NSAIDs, BP meds) Systemic sx present that would make you think of auto immune disease? (Oral ulcers, CP, SOB, cough, hemoptysis, abd pain) Hematuria? Foamy urine? (Proteinuria)
Describe a clinical scenario for post renal AKI
Hx of kidney stones (flank pain with hematuria)
Hx of prostate issues (think of elderly male with urinary hesitancy, frequency, and sense of incomplete vomiting)
Hx of pelvic neoplasm (think of pt being up to date on cervical cancer and prostate cancer screening)
Hx of Foley catheter (acute or chronic in nature)
Complaint specific questions to ask?
Urinary frequency, hesitancy, foamy urine, urine color, urine smell, flank pain, pain with urination, hx of kidney stones
Describe evaluating volume status during exam
Jugular venous pressure (distended or flat veins?), oral mucosa (dry, tongue fissuring), capillary refill, skin testing, ascites, lower extremity pitting edema, sacral edema (elderly or immobile pts)